11. Feb
The UNESCO Chair in Higher Education for Sustainable Development at Leuphana University invites the team members from the DigiCLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) project, which in the year 2021 set out to create a global classroom to bring learners from distant places together and make international experiences more accessible. There have been important learnings that the project has generated, and on the occasion of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we invite the team to share their key learnings. The lecture is followed by an interactive workshop that will take place in person and on Zoom to discuss how virtual exchanges can foster sustainability learning.
The hybrid event includes a research presentation by Handan Çelik (Trabzon University , Turkey) and panel discussion moderated by Jodie Birdman and Onur Cicek from Leuphana University. The discussion is followed by learning the perspectives on digital learning from Wilma van Standen (digital learning specialist from Rhodes University, South Africa), Anna Sundermann (ESD and digital internationalization researcher), Kara O’Neil (Regional representative of the Global Alliance for Social Pedagogy and Social Education), Theres Konrad (ESD and Entrepreneurship researcher), Jeanine Rühle (member of Youpan and UNESCO Chair Student representative), Lilli Hoenning (student and wilderness pedagog), Hanna Curtius (student), and Sara Marini (student) from Leuphana University. This interactive session is aimed to identify key points to make virtual exchanges for sustainability learning more meaningful, engaging, and transformative.
With this session, the UNESCO Chair and the DigiCLIL project at Leuphana University also celebrate the occasion of International Day of Women and Girls in Science and highlight the perspective of women in virtual exchanges.
The session will take place on Tuesday, 11 February, at 9 am CET in a blended format at Leuphana in room C11.320 and on Zoom. Click here to see the local time. In order to participate online, please send an email to so that we can prepare the breakout rooms accordingly.
The Zoom details can be seen below:
Meeting ID: 920 1486 7886
Passcode: ESD
UNESCO Chair team in cooperation with the Digital Transformation Lab for Teaching and Learning (DigiTaL)