Diversity Day 2024
Leuphana University is taking part in the nationwide ‘Diversity Day’ for the eighth time.
This year's Diversity Day at Leuphana will focus on the topic of ‘Awareness’. Awareness refers to the awareness of and attention for situations in which the boundaries of other people are or have been transgressed. All forms of discrimination and (sexualised) violence can play a role in this. Awareness means treating each other with appreciation and respect and reducing discriminatory and violent behaviour. All members and affiliates of the university are welcome to participate!
Good to know
28 May 2024 11:00-12:30: Insights into the diversity concept of Leuphana
The diversity concept for Leuphana University Lüneburg (2023-2026) was discussed in various committees, acknowledged with support by the Senate on 14 December 2023 and adopted by the Executive Board on 21 December 2022. The concept takes up, further develops and structurally anchors the previous work and objectives in the areas of diversity, equality, equal opportunities, inclusion and anti-discrimination. The diversity concept lists existing measures and defines further steps.
Valentina Seidel will present the measures that have already been implemented, started and planned as part of the event. The event offers the opportunity to ask questions and express possible needs.
Registration for the event is not necessary. This event will take place in room 5.311.
28 May 2024 12:00-14:00: Information stand of diversu e.V. and the Equal Opportunities Office (in front of Building 9)
What does awareness actually mean? How can university members find advice and support if they experience or observe discrimination and sexualised violence at Leuphana? ... The areas of diversity, equality, equal opportunities, inclusion and anti-discrimination encompass numerous topics, issues and perspectives. The diversu team and the Equal Opportunities Office will be happy to talk to you and answer your questions. Please feel free to drop by! We look forward to seeing you!
29 May 2024 12:00-13:30: ‘Awareness work at Leuphana. Insights, challenges and potentials’
On Wednesday 29 May 12 to approx. 13.30 a workshop will take place in 40.601.
As part of the workshop, a member of the academic events team at Leuphana College, the AStA speakers, the University Sports Centre and the Equal Opportunities Office will present a selection of activities in the area of awareness at Leuphana. What are the challenges and limitations? What is still missing? What would it take to establish better processes and standards for awareness work at Leuphana? The workshop will give participants an insight into awareness work at Leuphana and the opportunity to discuss needs and ideas for further development together.
Marielle Mangold from diversu e.V. / Kompetenzzentrum Antidiskriminierung Nordost-Niedersachsen will accompany the workshop with her expertise.
All members and affiliates of the university are welcome to attend. Registration for the event is possible at genderdiversity@leuphana.de until 28 May. Participation at short notice is also possible.
30 May 2024 11:00-12:00: Anti-discrimination counselling from diversu e.V. introduces itself
On Thursday 30 May between 11 a.m. and 12 noon in room 7.320 you will have the opportunity to get to know the team and counselling services of diversu e.V. Since May 2020, diversu's independent discrimination centre has been offering advice in cases of discrimination in Lüneburg. The diversu e.V. counselling team offers a safe space to talk about what you have experienced and develop options for action. The counselling is independent, free of charge and completely confidential. From May 2024, the counsellors will also be available on Wednesdays from 9 to 11 a.m. on campus in C 12.003. You can find more information on counselling on the page ‘Support in case of discrimination’.
12 June 2024 from 14.30-17.30: Workshop ‘Introduction to awareness work’
The workshop introduces the basics of awareness work, creates an awareness of possible discrimination situations and offers initial ideas for possible strategies for dealing with assaultive or discriminatory behaviour, for example at events, minimising it and supporting those affected. The workshop also offers the opportunity to analyse fictitious or real situations and to discuss practical awareness work.
The workshop is designed in German. However, it is possible to organise a translation (into English) on site.
Pakasch Schomerus (M. Ed.) will lead the workshop.
Pakasch Schomerus has been working independently in the field of cultural education since 2018 and since then has also been working practically and theoretically with the concept and field of work of awareness. Thanks to her wealth of experience and the diversity of her previous work contexts, Pakasch Schomerus is not only able to address existing needs in the field of awareness work, but also to clearly point out gaps and counter these with creative approaches.
The event will take place in room 14.102b from 14:30-17:30. The door is wheelchair accessible. The building is accessible from outside via a ramp. An accessible toilet is located on the ground floor. There is no induction loop in the seminar room. If you have individual needs in relation to the workshop, please let us know in good time so that we can support you.
Registration for the event is possible at genderdiversity@leuphana.de until 12 June 2024 12 noon. Participation without registration is also possible.
Collection of materials on the topic of awareness
What is gender- and diversity-sensitive language?
Concepts and regulations on equality, diversity and anti-discrimination
Code ‘Diversity as an opportunity’
Collection of materials on the topic of racism
Glossary to look up terms relating to gender diversity
Collection of information on studying with health impairments and accessibility
Helpful tips for diversity-orientated teaching
Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency: Immediate help with discrimination
Network against abuse of power in academia
Glossary Awareness Academy
White Privilege ‘unpacking the invisible knapsack’ (Peggy McIntosh)
Compilation of materials on ‘barrier-free teaching’ from the Information and Advice Centre for Studies and Disability of the Deutsches Studentenwerk (GER)
note on accessibility
If you encounter barriers on this website or have individual needs related to the Diversity Day 2022 events, please let us know in good time so that we can support you.
Both events take place in the central building. This is located on Universitätallee (->map) and offers barrier-free access. The side entrance has a door opener. The door of the main entrance opens automatically.
Venue C.40.154: The staircase or one of the lifts in the foyer lead to the 1st floor. When leaving the lift, turn left and go past the toilets through the anteroom (group study room). The door is marked with an arrow. Go through this room into the room behind it to the foyer. At the very back, to the right of the pillar, is room 154. Toilets including a barrier-free toilet are on the first floor near the lift.
Venue C.40.606: The room is on the 6th floor. It is recommended to use one of the lifts in the foyer. Once on the 6th floor, turn left when exiting the lift and walk straight ahead. Behind the door is room 606. Toilets including a barrier-free WC are located on the sixth floor near the lift.
support in case of discrimination
On our page "Support in case of discrimination" you will find information on anti-discrimination work and counselling at Leuphana. Beyond the Equal Opportunities Office, there are various support and assistance services you can reach out to in case of discrimination.
There are many different topics and issues within the scope of diversity-orientated equality and anti-discrimination work. The following page provides an overview of topic-specific counselling services. In addition to the existing structures and contact persons at the university, you will find a selection of regional and supra-regional services categorised by topic.
The information portal on sexualised violence in the university context and beyond is aimed at victims and supporters of victims, people who want to intervene in cases of sexual harassment and anyone else who wants to find out more about the topic.
Valentina Seidel
Consultant for Equality & Diversity
Valentina Seidel@leuphana.de