Quality Advisory Board

Advice on Quality Development

We regularly seek external input from the Leuphana Quality Advisory Board on current developments in our teaching quality. The Quality Advisory Board was developed in particular against the background of Leuphana's system accreditation and will now take place again on Wed, 25 September 2024 from 09:30-13:00 in C 40.704. The focus will be on the topic of digital transformation in teaching and studying.

The University Quality Advisory Board advises the Presidential Board on the further development of Leuphana's quality management. Its tasks are set out in "Richtlinie des Präsidiums zur Qualitätsentwicklung in Studium und Lehre festgelegt (1.1.1 Qualitätsbeirat der Universität)".

Its other tasks include the promotion of quality culture in studies and teaching as well as the support of teaching development.

The Quality Advisory Board consists of the following members:

  •     the responsible member of the Presidium (Chair)
  •     two to three external quality management experts from the academic field
  •     one or two external quality management experts from the field of professional practice
  •     a student or an alumnus or alumna with experience in quality management.

In previous years, the topics ranged from "General, critical, valuable tips for the further development of Leuphana QM" to "Further development of quality management at Leuphana with special consideration of the appointment of professorships", "Feedback, discussion on the internal audit procedure", "Research at Leuphana I - development, framework conditions, quality assurance and presentation and discussion of the further development of Leuphana QM for studies and teaching (study programme development control loop)" and "Control data in quality management for studies and teaching".

Members of the Quality Advisory Board

Academic field

Prof. Dr. Jetta Frost

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmeister

Professional Practice

Sabine Josch

Student Member

Carlotta Ecklöh

Contact Persons