Funding Programmes

Below you will find a selection of funding programs.

Funding programmes - Internal application

  • Erasmus+
  • Promotion of European and international cooperation in science and research
  • Program to Promote the Internationalization of female early career researchers

Funding programmes - External Application

  • Overview Funding Programmes - External Application
  • More links

Funding programmes - Internal application

The following overview includes information about individual funding and project funding programmes, which either require a central application (via the International Center) and/or an internal application.


Erasmus+ is the programme for Education, Youth and Sport of the European Union. In addition to the EU states, also Iceland, Liechtenstein, FYR of Macedonia, Norway and Turkey are participants in the programme.

The Erasmus+ programme comprises three key actions: Individual Mobility - Partnerships and Cooperation Projects - Support of Political Reform Processes.

Key Action 1: Individual mobility

Students at all study cycles, including doctoral students, who want to complete parts of their studies or an internship in a foreign country will be funded. The funding of the individual mobility of students, lecturers and administrative staff principally requires the central application of the University and its approval. The International Center is entrusted with the application process. Such an application usually refers to the classic Erasmus mobility within the participating countries, however an application for the funding of a mobility with a partner country can be filed as well. The yearly application deadlines usually lie at the beginning of February. In both cases the mobilities that are to be funded have to be arranged between the partner universities using so called Inter-institutional Agreements.

If you want to arrange an exchange of students and/or staff with European partners or partners outside the EU, please contact the International Center at an early stage.

You can find more information on conducting a short-term lectureship or training at a partner university here.

Key Action 2: Partnerships and Cooperation Projects

Key action 2 supports the project-based cooperation with international partners. It comprises the following programme lines designed to give structural support to universities in implementing their internationalisation strategies:

  • Cooperation Partnerships (formerly Strategic Partnerships)
  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programmes
  • Capacity increasing projects
  • Alliances for Innovation (formerly Knowledge Alliances)

You will find more information on the websites of the German National Agency EU-DAAD

Projects, for which funding within key action 2 shall be requested, require a very detailed preparation both internally and with the partners, as well as the embedding into the internationalisation strategy of the university. Thus, interested parties are asked to contact the International Center early on.

Key Action 3: Support of Political Reform Processes

Key action 3 is supposed to support reform processes in Europe and beyond Europe’s borders in order to modernise the European educational system. The following programme lines are relevant for the HE sector:

  • Innovative Cooperation Projects
  • European Experimental Measures
  • Enhancing Social Inclusion

You will find the latest information and calls on the website of the EU commission. Applications will be handled centrally in Brussels.

Promotion of European and international cooperation in science and research

Science and research thrive on the cross-border exchange of ideas and findings. Both in research and in the design of studies and teaching, international cooperation between scientists and academic institutions makes an essential contribution to securing and expanding the quality of scientific work at Lower Saxony's universities. By establishing and intensifying international cooperation and partnerships at various levels, Lower Saxony's universities are further expanding their position in the global scientific competition for innovative ideas and the brightest minds.

The aim of promoting European and international cooperation is to strengthen Lower Saxony as a location for science in three funding areas:

  • Enhancing the profile of Lower Saxony's universities in the international context
  • Expansion of international scientific cooperation with individual countries and regions and in individual scientific fields
  • Development of new and strengthening of existing international cooperation at universities

Further information on the individual funding formats and the application form can be found on the website of the MWK (in German only).

Program to Promote the Internationalization of female early career researchers

International networks and publication activities as well as research and teaching stays abroad are becoming increasingly important in scientific careers.

The objective of this measure is to consider the increased relevance of international research and publication activities for the scientific careers of women who aim to land a professorship.

This will also meet the needs of Leuphana's internationalization strategy, which seeks to increase international visibility in research and teaching contexts and strengthen the targeted integration of international scientists.

The 'Program to Promote the Internationalization of female early career researchers', provides opportunities to excellent female early career researchers (postdocs, junior professors, teaching professors as well as advanced doctoral candidates (after the opening of their doctoral process)  to establish or expand these necessary international contacts and networks for research and teaching activities by means of a scholarship or a travel allowance.

Women1 in their qualification phase from all faculties and institutions of Leuphana University of Lüneburg are to be supported and promoted in their scientific careers in a target group-specific and needs-oriented manner. In cooperation with the programs for the promotion of female early career researchers of the Equal Opportunities Office, further support measures such as coaching and workshops are available to accompany the scholarships.

Further information on the programme and the application form can be found on the website of the Equal Opportunities Office.

1 Note: The federal funding programme uses the term "women" within a binary understanding. In our approach, we interpret it more broadly and beyond binary gender categories. Persons who see themselves as female and/or locate themselves beyond binary categories are therefore also invited to seek individual counselling.

Funding programmes - External Application

At national level the main funding institutions for individual research or teaching stays abroad and for cooperation projects with international partners are, besides an array of smaller organisations, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH). An overview of the funding programs and funding lines with international elements of these largest German funding institutions can be found following these links:


Eva Voßhagen
International Coordinator / Outgoing Students & Staff