At the end of the year, in December 2023, the move-eti team travelled to Bujumbura, Burundi, to support the "Projet d'Amélioration des Compétences et Employabilité des Femmes et des Jeunes" with its scientific training interventions. The project, known as PACEJ, is funded by the World Bank and aims to improve the entrepreneurial skills of women and young people in Burundi, as well as refugees, through STEP and PI training. In addition, the STEP training aims to improve the digital skills of the target groups.
The project's pilot trainings allowed the team to test the preliminary training materials with representatives of the actual beneficiaries. The team will use the feedback from the pilot trainings to further adapt the materials and training approach before rolling out the trainings on a larger scale.
As the project will take place in a French-speaking country, move-eti will adapt the names of its training interventions. For this project, the PI training will be called FIP ("Formation à l'initiative personelle") and the STEP training will be called FOPE ("Formation pour la promotion de l'entrepreneurship").
The move-eti team is excited to be working in Burundi and is committed to contributing to the success of PACEJ in 2024!