From January 8th - 10th 2024, the 7th Biennial Conference of the Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) will be held at Stellenbosch Business School in Cape Town, South Africa. Founded in 2011, AFAM is a global organization for academics and practitioners who are interested in advancing management education and research in Africa. To promote exchanges between academics and practitioners from a wide range of countries, AFAM organizes a biennial conference. The theme of the upcoming conference is 'Transforming Organizations in the Digital Era: Dignity, Justice, and Prosperity in Africa'.
We are very pleased to announce that through the engagement of Alexander Glosenberg (Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Loyola Marymount University), a Professional Development Workshop (PDW) and Symposium on Personal Initiative (PI) Training for entrepreneurs have been accepted for the conference. The symposium will focus on the theory behind PI interventions, use of PI for mentoring, use of PI for refugees, and how PI can help student learning and wellbeing. The PDW has the purpose of sharing insights and best practices around PI training – and is open to anyone able to attend. Several researchers and practitioners will share their experiences regarding PI training and there will be an opportunity to discuss more specific subtopics related to the training (e.g., mentoring alongside PI training) in several discussion groups. We will also try to provide a virtual option for anyone who wants to attend virtually.
We would be very pleased if you would spread the word about both the symposium and the PDW so that a great diversity of scholars and practitioners across the world come together in South Africa to discuss new developments with regard to PI training! We welcome anyone to join the PDW as a participant - and if you want to make a presentation let us know! If you would like to make a presentation and/or attend the PDW, please feel free to contact us at or to reach out directly to Alex Glosenberg.
We are looking forward to seeing you in South Africa! More general information about the AFAM conference can be found here via this link.