Institute for Auditing & Tax

The Institute "Auditing & Tax" bundles and expands the central competencies of Leuphana University in the areas of "Auditing, Tax, Law and Economics". By combining the subject areas of economics and law, the Institute takes on a central function within university research and teaching activities related to questions of economic practice.


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The main research areas of the institute are:

  • Professorship for Business Administration, in Particular Accounting (Prof. Dr. Dörte Mody): International Accounting, International Tax Law, Business Taxation
  • Professorship for Business Administration, in Particular Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (Prof. Dr. Christel Stix): National Accounting, Analysis of Annual Financial Statements, Auditing

You can find more details about current and completed projects in the research database and on the people pages.


The Institute is involved in teaching in various Bachelor and Master programs in the College and Graduate School:

Major in business administration with specialization in finance & accounting
Minor Business Administration

Master Major Management & Sustainable Accounting & Finance

The Institute is particularly responsible for the following Master's level programs in the Professional School:

Master in Auditing
Tax Law Master

Of particular importance are the Master's programs in "Auditing" (Prof. Dr. Mody/ Prof. Dr. Stix) and "Tax Law" (Prof. Dr. Preißer), which are anchored at the Professional School, directed and supervised by members of the Institute, and through which the Leuphana-wide transfer culture is further expanded and the transfer profile of Leuphana is further sharpened.


There is the possibility of a doctorate with the acquisition of the degree "Dr. rel. pol." in the following study program:

Doctoral Program Management, Accounting & Finance