Studies: B.Sc. Business Psychology

Graduation year: 2013

Professional career: I worked as a senior user experience researcher at the Berlin agency, Userlutions. Then at HPI Schul-Cloud until the end of June 2021, and now also as a Senior UX Researcher at Actio.

When I look back on my time at Leuphana today, I....

... I think about the great people I had the chance to meet during my studies there. Through the 1st semester, but also the minor and the complementary studies, you always encounter people from other study programs, which leads to a great exchange. Since Lüneburg is quite a small city, you meet friends everywhere again without actively arranging to meet, and within 10 minutes you can be almost everywhere by bike, which was a novelty for me since I come from Berlin.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

Lüneburg helped me grow personally, first and foremost. The interdisciplinarity and the study abroad in Peru helped me to relate better to other people and understand their perspectives. The idea of sustainability, which was already strongly practiced at Leuphana at that time, has influenced my life ever since and I try to pass it on to other people both privately and professionally. It was through the business psychology course that I first got to know the branch of engineering psychology in which I now work. It was not least thanks to Prof. Höger that this direction was made palatable to me.

What are the advantages of studying at Leuphana?

You have incredibly good opportunities to get involved in the university and help shape it. There are also interesting cooperations abroad. The interdisciplinary nature of the program allows you to think outside the box. This allows you to determine your own path. For example, I studied business psychology, but business studies didn't really appeal to me, so I found digital media more exciting. I was able to set this focus well through minor, complementary studies and already in the 1st semester. Through this, I got to know many great Kuwis (cultural scientists).

To whom would you recommend studying at Leuphana?

I can recommend studying at Leuphana primarily to people who like to actively shape their lives and their environment, exchange ideas with a wide variety of people, and want to make a difference.

I can recommend business psychology to anyone who is interested in psychology and wants to focus on business psychology. Compared to other universities with this focus, Lüneburg has a strong focus on psychology and less on business studies, which I personally found much more interesting. This gives you the opportunity to go into much more depth than if both were only dealt with superficially.

What experience can I bring to the table as an alumni angel?

I have always worked alongside my studies to gain practical experience and found a job straight after graduation. This single-mindedness used to make me forget to look to the left and right. In the meantime, I've learned to do that, and I know how important it is to find a balance, e.g., sports, in addition to my job. I enjoy helping people find the right path.