Kathrin Passig

Kathrin Passig is a German author based in Berlin. In 2006, she received the Ingeborg Bachmann prize, an Austrian literary award, and in 2016 she was awarded with the Johann Heinrich Merck Award for Literary Criticism and Essays. Her books include “Dinge geregelt kriegen – ohne einen Funken Selbstdisziplin” (Rowohlt 2007, together with Sascha Lobo), "Standardsituationen der Technologiekritik" (Suhrkamp, 2013), and "Weniger schlecht programmieren" (O'Reilly, 2013, with Johannes Jander). Some of her essays were translated into English by Eurozine Magazine: ‘The black box is a state of mind’ (2018), ‘One of us’ (2014) and ‘Commonplaces of technology critique’ (2010). She contributes a weekly column on technology issues to Frankfurter Rundschau Magazin and collaborates with 500+ coauthors at the "Techniktagebuch" blog (techniktagebuch.tumblr.com, published as an ebook in 2015–2019). Her talk at Leuphana University will be based on the work in progress “Neue Staaten erfinden. Wie im Netz Politik entsteht” (Rowohlt, under contract). Read more at kathrin.passig.de