Job fair app

Once again this year, you can download the career fair app for free at In addition to finding out more about the exhibitors and all the highlights of the fair, you will also find current vacancies listed in the job exchange Jobs & current Internships in the app.

Check application documents

Take advantage of the free offer and have your application documents checked by the university team of the Employment Agency Lüneburg-Uelzen at booth 36.

You can also have your documents checked in preparation for the fair at the Career Service. They offer a application document check regularly. 

Social Media Profile-Check

Application Photos

A good first impression is essential for a successful application. So don't miss out on the free high-quality photo service at FOR YOUR CAREER! Come directly to booth 28. As places are limited, the rule is "first come, first served".

This year, the "Studio für frische Fotografie" will take care of the shootings. With fifteen years of professional experience in self-employment, Jan-Rasmus Lippelt (master photographer) and Janine Martin (trained photographer) provide high-quality, perfectly crafted and creatively implemented photography. 

Battle for Talents

5 employers in 5 rounds of 5 questions and 1 winner - you decide! The companies have one minute to answer the questions and present themselves as an attractive employer to the audience. The questions will not be announced in advance. The audience picks a winner. The event is moderated by Contact & Cooperation Lüneburg e.V. in the auditorium of the Central Building.

12.00 am  - 1.00 pmBattle for Talents : at  Libeskind Auditorium, voting via web-app!