Day of Teaching 2016

Teaching Day 21/01/2016

The first Teaching Day organised by the project "Leuphana... on the right track!” took place on 21 January 2016 and allowed Leuphana to focus the attentions of the university community on teaching and learning for a day. Around 250 participants comprising lecturers, students and members of administration attended 19 events to discuss how to motivate and enthuse both lecturers and students. 

The programme was designed around five areas of specialisation addressing central fields of action relating to teaching and studies at Leuphana.

  • The theme of “Interdisciplinarity“examines the interaction between different scientific disciplines and the opportunities of changing perspectives towards scientific findings. Prof. Ulli Vilsmaier and Prof. Regine Herbrik from the Methods Centre discussed key terms and presented examples of interdisciplinary teaching at Leuphana. Afterwards, students and lecturers discussed the criteria required for successful interdisciplinary teaching, and particularly the need to continuously strive for a meaningful, mutually agreed definition of the term “Interdisciplinarity”. One central theme was: Inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching require genuine synthesis and integration of different areas of knowledge – this is initially independent of how closely the knowledge areas are connected and of specific teaching formats. Moreover, both time and supporting framework conditions at the institution are required to implement these successfully.
  • The theme of "Experience focus" investigated learning opportunities resulting from interaction between theory and practice based on the idea of “Learning from practice - How to enable and utilise reflection during studies?“. Dr. Imke Badur (University of Kassel) examined where Leuphana could more strongly integrate the “Service Learning” method to promote cooperation between civil society and the University. Prof. Markus Reihlen and Dr. Arwed Marquardt presented theory and practice concepts from Business and Teacher Training and discussed with participants how these concepts could learn from each other. Participants were also able to reflect on successful examples of incorporating personal student experiences together with Ombudsperson Thies Reinck and Dr. Andreas Soltau from the Quality Development team.

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  • The theme "Diversity and Intercultural Aspects" looked at how a variety of personalities and personal backgrounds can help to develop new opportunities for teaching and learning. Anja Thiem, Stefanie Roth and Valentina Seidel discussed with the participants how to design teaching and learning processes to be sensitive to differences and focused on participation. The workshop of Prof. Hans Wocken (Nuremberg) presented practical examples of inclusive schools. The discussion on “University without Borders”, with Moritz Reinbach and Tom Schmidt from the Lüneburg Association “University without Borders”, Jens Kemper from the “IN-Touch” project (Bremen) and Prof. Ulli Vilsmaier, among others, revealed that lecturers and students alike consider migrant perspectives to be a positive contribution and wish to integrate them, but believe that migrants as student should not be treated differently.
  • The theme "Dialogue during courses” allowed participants to focus on the question of personal, dialogue-based teaching and learning formats. The general consensus was that attendance events must offer scope for dialogue and personal interaction, but that such dialogue must always be delimited by external framework conditions, curricula or other restricting formats. The question was asked where university might offer academic scope to drift, stroll, ramble, fail and reflect. At the three workshops on student response systems (Arne Möller, Flensburg), time during apprenticeships (Prof. Andreas Fischer, Dr. Steffi Hobuß, Stefan Koch) and the assessment format of combined assessments (Dr. Dorothea Ellinger), participants discussed concrete dialogue-based teaching and learning formats.
  • The specialisation “Interactive digital teaching“ addressed the potential of digital teaching and learning methods in courses. Three workshops organised by Ann-Kathrin Watolla, Ingo Auhagen and Christian Friedrich sought ways to design digital, connected courses using “Open Educational Resources” in order to include new target groups, incorporate new perspectives and add new teaching and learning perspectives. The presentation “Gamification” (Prof. Karsten. D. Wolf, Bremen) demonstrated a playful approach to didactics using the elements of competition, gratification and roleplay to develop teaching and learning. Prof. Daniel Lang, Prof. Dominik Leiß and Beatrice John talked about how video conferencing can be used to enrich the learning experience. By way of example, their workshop demonstrated how e.g. Adobe Connect can transcend the boundaries of space and between theory and practice, so long as the applications are prepared carefully.

The concluding event attempted to summarise first findings from the workshops and continuing education. This revealed: There is no “one right way” to teach well. For instance, some students might feel sceptical about innovations and experiments developed by teachers because they prefer to complete their studies “more directly”. Prof. Markus Reihlen, Vice-President of the Graduate School, Quality Development and Internationalisation, thanked the LadW Organisational Team and all participants for their commitment and asked everyone to continue to work on creating “many exciting programmes to enthuse students” at Leuphana.

At the end of the day, six image logs were compiled as visual reminders created using the graphic recording process.

Here you will find the full Programme  from 21 January 2016 (in German).