Areas Studies & Language Skills

The Area Stu­dies sec­tion deals with theo­ries and me­thods of area stu­dies as well as with de­tai­led as­pects and struc­tu­res of pre­sent so­cie­ties in an­glo­pho­ne coun­tries. The ma­te­ri­al used for the­se stu­dies con­sists of fic­tio­nal as well non-fic­tio­nal texts and me­dia to lend au­then­ti­ci­ty to re­le­vant to­pics of area stu­dies. The­se texts are ana­ly­sed in their his­to­ri­cal, po­li­ti­cal and cul­tu­ral con­texts from main­stream and mar­gi­na­li­zed per­spec­tives.

In the lan­gua­ge skills clas­ses, stu­dents re­view as­pects of gram­ma­ti­cal struc­tu­res and ru­les as well as ap­p­ly them in selec­ted con­texts. They prac­tice the four skills (rea­ding, wri­ting, lis­ten­ing, and spea­king) and are in­tro­du­ced to selec­ted are­as in Eng­lish for Spe­ci­fic Pur­po­ses such as un­der­stan­ding texts, aca­de­mic wri­ting or busi­ness Eng­lish. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to practice their skills in the area of “creative writing” and “life writing.” They will be­co­me fa­mi­li­ar with dif­fe­rent forms of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, va­rious vir­tu­al and non-vir­tu­al re­fe­rence works and gain ex­pe­ri­ence using tech­no­lo­gy as lan­gua­ge learning tools.

A selection of projects:


  • Prof. Dr. Maria Moss
  • Dr. Sabrina Völz