Künstlerische Eignungsprüfung

In order to be able to study music as a subject in the teacher training program, proof of artistic aptitude must be provided.
The examination usually takes place once a year. However, under special circumstances, additional dates are made possible.
Deadline and application

By May 30 of each year, you must:
- the application for admission to the qualifying examination (see below),
- indicate which instrument will be used for the musical performance
Submit to the secretary's office of the music department.

Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Secretary's Office Music (IKMV)
University avenue 1
21335 Lüneburg

Feel free to join the info-session about the audition process on May, 15th, 3 pm via Zoom. Please register via Mail: oliver-mathes@leuphana.de

Dates artistic qualifying examination 2024:

Mai 24 and June 14, 2024 - both starting at 09:00 a.m.


The examination covers the following artistic tasks:
I) Written exam: aural training and elementary music theory (time: approx. 60 minutes)
II) Practical part, 3-part (total time of practical part: 10 minutes; exception: elective option c.3)

a) Performance of 1 vocal piece (any style)
b) audition of a short text according to a model
c) Option:

    Instrumental performance (any style)
    Media-supported live performance on own equipment (e.g. DJing, arranging, improvisation, playing virtual instruments or apps)
    Creation and presentation of a music production using standard software and hardware provided by Leuphana University of Lüneburg for this purpose, on location and as specified (20min)

To get a first impression of the exam, you can download a sample exam with solutions below. This contains task formats that the exam will include.

If you have any further questions, please contact the lecturers, main contact: Oliver Mathes