Gender Aspects in View

Project: "Gender Aspects in Dialogue“

The project “Gender Aspects in Dialogue” (GiD) aims to intensify research on gender dimensions at Leuphana University. We address researchers from all disciplines and departments to check their projects for a potential integration of gender aspects.

Why would it be  worthwhile for researchers to participate in GiD?

Integrating gender analysis into research projects offers the opportunity to specify your own research, to close research gaps, and to meet international academic standards. Funding institutions such as the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation, the DFG, the WHO, or the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) as well as the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) require applicants to consider gender dimensions in their research projects. Meeting this requirement improves the reputation of researchers and can increase the overall relevance of research results. At Leuphana, we will in the coming months develop concepts as part of the BMBF project to identify structures that strengthen the integration of gender aspects in research. The project intends to show researchers of all faculties the potential of integrating gender aspects and to support them individually in the practical implementation. Addressing professors and scholars in the qualification process directly, the specifically designed dialogue rooms and labs offer the opportunity to reflect on the relevance of integrating gender dimensions into their own research topics. Within the framework of the project, internal and external university cooperations as well as networks are established, which serve as places of knowledge production and exchange. “Gender Aspects in Dialogue” thus complements Leuphana’s cross-sectional approach to integrating gender dimensions into university structures and cultures.

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

This project (FKZ 01FP22G28) is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with the goal of promoting structures for the systematic consideration of gender-related aspects in research questions (“Gender Aspects in View”). Further information is available on the ministry's website.

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