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Veranstaltungen von Prof. Dr. Roman Trötschel
Internship Major Psychologie (Praktikum) (FSL) (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Roman Trötschel
Einzeltermin | Di, 15.10.2024, 10:15 - Di, 15.10.2024, 11:45 | C 40.704 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Di, 21.01.2025, 09:00 - Di, 21.01.2025, 18:00 | C 40.606 Seminarraum
Inhalt: Internships provide students majoring in psychology with practical experience and help students gain insights into the ins and outs of working in the field. Although internships for psychology major vary depending on the work area and the employer, there are some elements that all students across positions share: students can gain professional skills that are difficult to learn in a classroom setting, and they are given opportunities to horn the knowledge learned at the university in internships. Importantly, these experiences allow students to see what takes place behind the scenes, which helps to smooth the transition from university work to a professional role. Internships provide students with references based on which they could deliberate which area they want to spend their careers in. Given this, in this seminar, we will discuss students’ experiences of their internships (e.g., whether did they do their internship? Why did they choose this internship? What was the motivation? What did they expect from the internship? What were the activities/tasks accomplished in the internship) and their reflections on their internships. Specifically, based on students’ internship experiences, we will discuss the transfer from theory to practice (e.g., was the knowledge gained from studies of psychology relevant during the internship? Did the knowledge help the students to understand or facilitate certain aspects of the internship? Did the knowledge open up intriguing perspectives or even enable students to put interesting suggestions into practice?) and the fulfillment of their expectations (e.g., did the internship meet students’ expectations? What did they learn and take with them? Did the internship influence their choice of career?). In the first meeting, we will discuss the administrative issues of the seminar, including course schedule and structure, expectations from and on students. In the second meeting, we organize a practice forum to discuss students’ experience of their internships, their feedback, and insights regarding the theory-practice transfer
- Lehren und Lernen - Komplementärstudium - Praxisorientierte Zugänge zu inter- und transdisziplinären Wissenschaften
- Leuphana Bachelor - Komplementärstudium - Praxisorientierte Zugänge zu inter- und transdisziplinären Wissenschaften
- Sozialpädagogik - Komplementärstudium - Praxisorientierte Zugänge zu inter- und transdisziplinären Wissenschaften
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Komplementärstudium - Praxisorientierte Zugänge zu inter- und transdisziplinären Wissenschaften
Colloquium Advanced empirical research projects (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Roman Trötschel
14-täglich | Donnerstag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 24.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 9.102 Seminarraum | Starts in the first week of the semester
Colloquium Bachelor Theses (Kolloquium)
Dozent/in: Roman Trötschel
14-täglich | Donnerstag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 17.10.2024 - 01.12.2024 | C 9.102 Seminarraum | Starts in the 2nd week of the semester
Inhalt: The Bachelor's thesis requires the students to scientifically examine a defined topic from the field of psychology and to write it up within 9 weeks, followed by an examination discussion (12 CP). Participation in a colloquium (3 CP) during the elaboration offers assistance in the development process of the Bachelor thesis.
Psychology and the Society: Political Negotiations and Sustainability (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Roman Trötschel
wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 11.308 Seminarraum
Inhalt: The course deals with psychological processes in political negotiations in the context of ecological, economic, or societal transformations (i.e., transformation negotiations). Transformation negotiations can be defined as joint and interactive decision-making processes aimed at solving present and future social conflicts arising from economic, ecological, societal, or cultural transitions. Transformation negotiations seek to promote sustainable development through (a) incorporating interests across multiple outcome levels such as economic, ecological, and social levels, (b) integrating multilateral interests of parties at and beyond the negotiation table, and (c) balancing short-term and long-term consequences across a prolonged time period. Accordingly, transformation negotiations have the object of solving conflicts on multiple dimensions to promote interlocal, intersectional, and intergenerational justice. From a psychological standpoint, negotiating transformation is particularly challenging as it evokes various social conflicts at different levels (e.g.,intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup conflicts) and thus raises cognitive demands. Under this circumstance, negotiators need to make tradeoffs across various outcome dimensions (e.g., economic, ecologic, and social outcomes). They must take external parties’ interests into consideration and need to balance immediate and future consequences resulting from their negotiated agreements. In sum, parties in transformation negotiations must not only solve their social conflicts at the table but must also reconcile various types of other conflicts beyond the table (e.g., conflicts between present and future generations, conflicts being present vs. absent from the table, conflicts across various outcome dimensions such ecological vs. economic outcomes). Accordingly, sustainable conflict solutions through negotiations can only be achieved when negotiators take all “externalities” arising from their agreements into account. The course ‘Psychology and Society: Political Negotiations and Sustainability’ will focus on psychological drivers and barriers in transformation negotiations in the context of political decision-making. Specifically, the course will deal with biased perceptions, erroneous beliefs, or self-defensive cognitions that hinder the achievement of sustainable agreements. Beneficial psychological drivers in transformation negotiations such as perspective taking, accountability beliefs, or shared cognition will also be discussed and addressed in the course. Further, from a motivational perspective, the course will deal with the impact of competitive versus cooperative negotiation strategies aimed at the transition towards sustainability (e.g., logrolling, expanding the pie, collectivizing vs. threating, contending, bluffing). Finally, from a group research perspective, the effect of social identification (individual vs. group identification), group processes (group losses vs. gains), and group representation (representatives vs. constituency) will be examined. The acquired knowledge from the course will be applied to real-world examples of political negotiations involving economic, ecological, societal, or cultural issues aimed at the transition towards sustainability.
- Masterprogramm Psychology: Psychology and Sustainability - Compulsory Modules (Lüneburg) - Psychology and the Society: Political Negotiations and Sustainability
- Masterprogramm Sustainability: Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Sustainability Science - Vertiefungsbereich - Psychology and the Society: Political Negotiations and Sustainability
- Masterprogramm Sustainability: Sustainability Science: Governance and Law - Wahlpflichtmodule - Psychology and the Society: Political Negotiations and Sustainability
- Masterprogramm Sustainability: Sustainability Science: Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Society - Wahlpflichtmodule - Psychology and the Society: Political Negotiations and Sustainability
Promotionskolloquium Psychologie und Selbstregulation (Kolloquium)
Dozent/in: Manuel Bohn, Alexander Freund, Poldi Kuhl, Dirk Lehr, Maria von Salisch, Timur Sevincer, Birte Siem, Roman Trötschel, Sebastian Wallot
14-täglich | Mittwoch | 14:00 - 16:00 | 07.04.2025 - 11.07.2025 | C 12.107 Seminarraum
Inhalt: Diskussion aktueller Promotionsvorhaben
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Research Forum I
Seminar Sozial- und Entwicklungspsychologie A (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Roman Trötschel
14-täglich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 14.10.2024 - 01.12.2024 | C 12.002 Seminarraum
Seminar Sozial- und Entwicklungspsychologie B (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Roman Trötschel
14-täglich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 24.10.2024 - 01.12.2024 | C 12.002 Seminarraum | Beginn in der 2. Semesterwoche