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Veranstaltungen von Sarah Haq


Tech Basics I, Stream A (excercise) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Sarah Haq

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 11:45 - 13:15 | 02.04.2024 - 05.07.2024 | HMS 139

Tech Basics I, Stream A (lecture) (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Sarah Haq

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 09:45 - 11:15 | 02.04.2024 - 05.07.2024 | HMS 139

Inhalt: In this course you will be learning all the fundamentals of Python and how to write efficient and powerful code. Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Throughout this course, you'll gain a solid understanding of Python's syntax, data structures, control flow, functions, and modules. You will also learn how to interact with the command line on your computer and run python scripts from there.

Tech Basics I, Stream B (excercise) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Sarah Haq

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 16:00 - 17:30 | 02.04.2024 - 05.07.2024 | HMS 139

Tech Basics I, Stream B (lecture) (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Sarah Haq

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 14:00 - 15:30 | 02.04.2024 - 05.07.2024 | HMS 139

Inhalt: In this course you will be learning all the fundamentals of Python and how to write efficient and powerful code. Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Throughout this course, you'll gain a solid understanding of Python's syntax, data structures, control flow, functions, and modules. You will also learn how to interact with the command line on your computer and run python scripts from there.

Introduction Machine Learning (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Sarah Haq

14-täglich | Donnerstag | 09:45 - 13:15 | 02.04.2024 - 28.06.2024 | HMS 231/232

Inhalt: This course is a high level introduction to Machine Learning - a subset of AI that teaches a machine how to perform specific tasks. We will build machine learning models to predict genre of music, to identify hand written text and detect emotions.

Creative applications of Python and AI (Projekt)

Dozent/in: Sarah Haq

wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 12:00 - 14:15 | 02.04.2024 - 05.07.2024 | C 16.124 Seminarraum

Inhalt: This course will teach you how to develop and apply programming skills to creative work, even if you have never programmed before. This course is for anyone who would like to learn how to use Python and AI for creative work ranging from video games to art installations to interactive music.