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Canadian Children's Literature (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Martina Seifert

Einzeltermin | Fr, 09.11.2018, 14:00 - Fr, 09.11.2018, 18:30 | C 6.317 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Sa, 10.11.2018, 10:00 - Sa, 10.11.2018, 17:30 | C 6.317 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 11.01.2019, 14:00 - Fr, 11.01.2019, 18:30 | C 5.310 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Sa, 12.01.2019, 10:00 - Sa, 12.01.2019, 17:30 | C 5.310 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Canada has become an important topic for the classroom at various school levels, and the TEFL core syllabi of many German federal states nowadays require Canadian perspectives to be included into teaching units on the North American experience, highlighting inter- and transcultural learning and the acquisition of intercultural competence. In this seminar we set out to explore the complexity of contemporary Canadian literature, focussing on texts suitable for EFL teaching. A variety of genres – from short stories to young adult novels to plays – will be analysed. We will investigate major themes in Canadian writing, including the immigrant experience, regionalism, national and ethnic identities. Although authors from diverse cultural backgrounds will be studied, works by indigenous Canadian writers, such as Thomas King and Tomson Highway, will be of special interest. Teaching methods and materials will also be discussed.