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General Psychology I (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Sebastian Wallot

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 06.04.2021 - 09.07.2021 | Online-Veranstaltung | online Lehre

Inhalt: This lecture introduces core topics of General Psychology, such as the basics of perception, attention, learning, memory, language, thinking, and problem solving. Lecture - Topics: 1. Introduction: General Psychology/Cognitive Psychology 2. Perception & Attention I (Basic processes in perception) 3. Perception & Attention II (Object and face recognition) 4. Perception & Attention III (perception and attention) 5. Perception & Attention IV (perception and action) 6. Learning & Memory I (Learning, memory and forgetting) 7. Learning & Memory II (Long-term memory) 8. Learning & Memory II (Everyday memory) 9. Language I (Speech perception and reading) 10. Language II (Language comprehension) 11. Language III (Language production) 12. Thinking & Reasoning I (Problem solving and expertise) 13. Wrap-up, Q&A, Exams This is an online lecture, held via Zoom: https://leuphana.zoom.us/j/94556110486?pwd=THJXbDRXQnk4QmswY0xEUnMyS2FaUT09 Meeting-ID: 945 5611 0486 Kenncode: 471147

General Psychology I - Group A (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Sebastian Wallot

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 12.04.2021 - 09.07.2021 | Online-Veranstaltung

Inhalt: This seminar seminar is part of the module General Psychology I. The aim of this seminar is to connect research from the area of General Psychology (perception, attention, learning, memory, language, reasoning) and connect it to everyday life. Where do you find statments make about how people learn, remember and reason in your everyday life? What is being claimed about these phenomena, and what are the implications of these claims? The aim is to combine what you have learned about research in the area of General Psychology with your knowledge in Research Methods to start inquireing into such claims. How do they relate to findings from scientific psychology? And how can you collect information about such claims to test them? These will be the key questions addressed in this seminar. This is an online seminar held via Zoom: https://leuphana.zoom.us/j/94556110486?pwd=THJXbDRXQnk4QmswY0xEUnMyS2FaUT09 Meeting-ID: 945 5611 0486 Kenncode: 471147

General Psychology I - Group B (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Sebastian Wallot

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 12.04.2021 - 09.07.2021 | Online-Veranstaltung

Inhalt: This seminar seminar is part of the module General Psychology I. The aim of this seminar is to connect research from the area of General Psychology (perception, attention, learning, memory, language, reasoning) and connect it to everyday life. Where do you find statments make about how people learn, remember and reason in your everyday life? What is being claimed about these phenomena, and what are the implications of these claims? The aim is to combine what you have learned about research in the area of General Psychology with your knowledge in Research Methods to start inquireing into such claims. How do they relate to findings from scientific psychology? And how can you collect information about such claims to test them? These will be the key questions addressed in this seminar. This is an online seminar held via Zoom: https://leuphana.zoom.us/j/94556110486?pwd=THJXbDRXQnk4QmswY0xEUnMyS2FaUT09 Meeting-ID: 945 5611 0486 Kenncode: 471147