
Suchen Sie hier über ein Suchformular im Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Leuphana.


Masterforum II (Kolloquium)

Dozent/in: Vera van Hüllen

wöchentlich | Montag | 16:15 - 17:45 | 04.04.2022 - 08.07.2022 | C 12.006 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Masterforum II is a colloquium where students present and discuss their master thesis. Writing (or revising) their outline for the Masterforum and presenting it in class provides students with the opportunity to sharpen their ideas and receive valuable feedback for further developing their thesis. In addition, students will act as discussants for another outline, allowing for a greater understanding of the often similar challenges in planning and writing a master thesis. In the first session, we will discuss general questions of research design (topic, research question, literature review, conceptual, theoretical framework, case section, methodology,…) and the template for the outline, take stock of the current state of projects, and assign dates for presentations and discussions. The remainder of the semester will be dedicated to presentations and discussions in the colloquium. Students upload their outline (ca. 5 pages of text) at least one week before the presentation to the respective folder in myStudy, so that everyone can prepare for discussions in advance. The length of presentations (with slides) should be 10-15 minutes, depending on the number of presentations per session. Students assigned as discussant for an outline prepare a 3-5 minute feedback to the presentation and write up their comments (max. 1 page) to share with the presenter and lecturer in class.