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Entrepreneurship & Institutional Change (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Palesa Charlotte Felix-Faure
Einzeltermin | Fr, 14.04.2023, 10:15 - Fr, 14.04.2023, 15:45 | C 14.001 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Sa, 15.04.2023, 10:15 - Sa, 15.04.2023, 15:45 | C 14.001 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 12.05.2023, 10:15 - Fr, 12.05.2023, 13:45 | Online-Veranstaltung | via ZOOM
Einzeltermin | Do, 08.06.2023, 10:15 - Do, 08.06.2023, 15:45 | C 7.320 Seminarraum | NEU
Einzeltermin | Sa, 10.06.2023, 10:15 - Sa, 10.06.2023, 15:45 | C 7.320 Seminarraum | NEU
Inhalt: “Entrepreneurship and institutional change” combine institutional context / ‘rules of the game’ (macro perspective) - social mechanisms (meso perspective) – and agency (micro perspective) as core elements of systems and systems’ change. People take a central role in pursuing and dealing with change. At the same time, there are circumstances, situational factors, rules & norms, and past events that shape decisions and actions. In this course we will apply a social mechanism (cf Archer et al., 1999) approach to link institutional logics (as legacies of historical institutions (cf Greenwood & Raynard, 2013)) to behaviour on the micro level with interactions on the meso level and systemic outcomes on the macro level, in the pursuit of sustainable development. Institutional logics create a link between institutions and observed practices or behaviour (cf Thornton et al., 2015a). Lounsbury (2007b) conceptualises institutional logics as generally referring to ‘cultural beliefs and rules that structure cognition and guide decision making’. Applying the concept of institutional logics to a geographic context, we address a grand challenge of our time. The institutional theory is applied on active social mechanisms to explore how their underlying Institutional logics affect entrepreneurship. We will discuss the role of institutions in inclusive and transformational entrepreneurship, thereby helping to prepare for sustainability in entrepreneurship. This course is aimed at students who want to apply state of the art scientific knowledge to practical questions and want to reflect on theory and practice. Like any economic actor, the entrepreneur acts within a specific economic and social environment, which will determine the entrepreneurial opportunities and challenges they may encounter. The ecosystem will consist of the characteristics and level dynamism of the local economy, as well as policy frameworks, legislation, educational support, and several other influencing factors. A better understanding of the ecosystem is necessary to understand the type of challenges entrepreneurs face, and to determine the required support that policymakers and other actors can provide. Furthermore, this knowledge is necessary for global managers to take into consideration concerning the geographic contexts in which their companies are operating in, and the decisions and adjustments they may need to make. We shall focus on how INSTITUTIONAL LOGICS (as institutional legacies), may have an impact on entrepreneurship and practices. And how this may affect entrepreneurial ecosystems in some geographical contexts. South Africa and its history of apartheid is used as a case study for this purpose. INSTITUTIONAL LOGICS APPROACH APPLIED TO ENTREPRENEURIAL AGENCY The logics perspective is especially important for institutional theory because it provides an avenue for analysing historically-situated pluralities (Greenwood & Raynard, 2013; Greve & Rao, 2014). Logics direct and provide a framework for processing information as well as symbolic and material building blocks necessary for responding to environmental impulses (Greenwood & Raynard, 2013; Thornton et al., 2012). Ocasio (1997, as cited in Greenwood et al., 2011) asserts that logics can direct decision makers towards solutions concerning identified issues. Thornton (2002, as cited in Greenwood et al., 2011) affirms that such dispositions may lead to the decisions being consistent with institutional logics that reinforce already established discourses. Ocasio (1997, as cited in Greenwood et al., 2011) suggests that logics can direct the attention of decision makers towards defined sets of issues and solutions. Such formulations, in agreement with Thornton (2002), may lead to the acceptance of decisions that are consistent with institutional logics that reinforce certain identities and organisational strategies (Thornton, 2004, as cited in Greenwood et al., 2011). THE SOUTH AFRICAN CONTEXT In this seminar we apply Welter (2012)’s model ‘Potential Impact of Institutions on Entrepreneurial Behavior to analyse how apartheid social mechanismS may still be influencing the entrepreneurial behavior within South African townships. We analyze the South African context as consisting of several levels - we distinguish here between 'micro level': actors (individuals/organisation), 'meso level': explicit and implicit networks, and 'macro' level ': the industry as well as political institutions. We analyse how, despite change in formal institutions, informal institutions may persist for a considerable length of time, thereby hindering the effective change that is required. The aim is to use the identification of social mechanisms to investigate how legacies of past institutions may influence current entrepreneurship agency. Our journey proceeds by investigating entrepreneurs on a micro-level and to explore their relations and actions on a meso-level (in relation to other organizations and initiatives and customers, networks) and its transformative potential for the industry on the macro-level. Key questions relate to what kind of situational, action-formational and transformational mechanisms promote or hinder the development and diffusion of these initiatives. We will split into groups, with each group focusing on one specific topic and its development path. The groups will then work together to discuss and reflect on whether and how entrepreneurs succeed to achieve a more sustainable path. COURSE STRUCTURE We will use lectures and scientific literature to gain theoretical insights, and you will collect and analyse data on a concrete initiative and entrepreneur to explore social mechanisms for sustainable development. You will perform desk research (statistics, reports, newspaper articles, websites), possibly complementing this with interviews. It is imperative for you as a student to have read the articles and worked through the material before coming to class. DELIVERABLES & EXAMINATION Group project (presentation and discussion):Each part shall pick some interesting insights from your research journey and reflect on that in the light of scholarly literature. A preliminary version of the group ppt will be discussed on the 12th of May, providing you with feedback from the course. The final version of the ppts will be graded. Essay (length about 1500 words): In your essay, you shall pick one interesting insight from your group work (possibly, but not necessarily related to the insight you presented in the ppt) and expand on that, in the light of scholarly literature. Reflection on the course (up to 500 words): Please share your thoughts on the course and lessons learned – this is not part of the examination.