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Applied Microeconomics I: Market and Competition (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Thomas Wein

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 08:15 - 09:45 | 02.04.2024 - 05.07.2024 | C 7.019 Seminarraum | Start 1. lecture week

Inhalt: - Asymmetric information - Public goods - Monopoly - Game theory - Oligopoly - Product differentiation - Price discrimination - Vertical restraints

Applied Microeconomics I: Markets and Competition (Exercise) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Mats Kahl

14-täglich | Dienstag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 15.04.2024 - 05.07.2024 | C 3.120 Seminarraum | Start 3. lecture week
Einzeltermin | Di, 11.06.2024, 12:15 - Di, 11.06.2024, 13:45 | C 6.317 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Deepening and application of the contents of the lecture by means of selected problem sets. Students learn to formally structure, solve and present applied microeconomic problems.