Document Download and Stay Abroad Questionnaire

Agreement Stay Abroad

Before your stay abroad you have to fill out the Agreement Stay Abroad and get it signed at the Destination Abroad Office. This will ensure that your placement is regarded as studienrelevant by the IES. You can book an appointment with Destination Abroad via MyStudy to discuss your placement proposal and get your Agreement Stay Abroad signed.


Questionnaire Destination Abroad

After your stay abroad you have to fill out and submit the online questionnaire. You will not be able to get your stay abroad accepted otherwise. 

To the Questionnaire

Certificate of Completion

After your stay abroad you have to fill in the "Certificate of Completion" and get it signed and stamped at the Studierendenservice.


Anlage zum Antrag für eine Ersatzprüfungsleistung

If you need to apply for an Ersatzprüfungsleistung to enable your three-months stay-abroad, you may include this form to supplement your application to the Prüfungsausschuss. 
