
Written Applications for Internships and Jobs

[ONLINE-LECTURE] At this event, you will learn more about the most important criteria for successful applications. Regardless of whether you are applying for the position as an intern, a research assistant, a trainee, or an employee, your written application is the first crucial step. The key documents included in your application are the cover letter and your CV. We will discuss both genres and strategies for writing successful applications. We will also address differences between applications in German and English
(and, for example, between applications in the US and UK).

You will receive the access data for Zoom shortly before the event.

Datum/Zeit 05.06.2024 14:15-15:45 Uhr
Ort Online

Raum: Zoom
Webseite | E-Mail
Referent*inMicha Edlich
Leuphana Schreibzentrum / Leuphana Writing Centre

Zielgruppe Alumni, Studierende
Anmeldung Anmelden
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