Accessibility Statement

Accessible Statement of the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Leuphana University Lüneburg endeavours to make its website accessible in accordance with the Lower Saxony Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons Act (Niedersächsisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz NBGG) implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The details of the accessibility requirements can be found in the Lower Saxony Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology for Public Bodies (Niedersächsischen Verordnung über barrierefreie Informationstechnik öffentlicher Stellen NBITVO) of 24.09.2020.
This declaration on digital accessibility applies to the website of Leuphana University Lüneburg.

When was the accessibility statement created?
This statement was prepared or revised on 09.12.2021.

How barrier-free is the offer?
The website was redesigned in 2020. The BITV 2.0 guidelines were incorporated into the design and programming. As a university, we have a very extensive and diverse website, so errors are not entirely avoidable.

A corresponding BITV-test is in preparation. As soon as the test results are available, they will be published here.

When was the accessibility statement created?
This statement was prepared or revised on 09.12.2021.

Who can you contact with comments or questions about digital accessibility?
Have you noticed any deficiencies in the barrier-free access to content on Then please feel free to contact us. 

Please use the following link to the contact form.

Contact the Arbitration board
If no satisfactory solution has been found even after you have sent feedback to the above-mentioned contact, you can turn to the arbitration board of the state commissioner for people with disabilities (Disability Equality Act; Niedersächsisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz NBGG):
Arbitration board according to § 9d NBGG 

at the office of the State Commissioner for People with Disabilities at the Lower Saxony Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Equality 
P.O. Box 141, 30001 Hanover
Contact details
Tfon: 0511 - 120 4010
fax: 0511 - 120 99 4010
www: (