Counter-Communities – Workshop with Daniel Loick
14. Jun
6:15 pm. Room C5.311
Speakers: Daniel Loick, Roberto Nigro, Heiko Stubenrauch
Daniel Loick will present a chapter from his as yet unpublished book about “Gegengemeinschaften” for discussion.
Daniel Loick is Associate Professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. His research focus lies in the fields of political philosophy, legal, cultural and social philosophy, social theory and political theory. He has published four books, Kritik der Souveränität (2012, an English translation was published in 2018 as A Critique of Sovereignty), Der Missbrauch des Eigentums (2016), Anarchismus zur Einführung (2017) most recently Juridismus. Konturen einer kritischen Theorie des Rechts (2017).
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Organisation: Colloquium PLG - Philosophy