Leuphana is one of Germany's most popular universities
2025-01-22 Lüneburg/Cologne. Leuphana University Lüneburg ranks 5th in the university ranking "Most Popular Universities in Germany 2025". It is the most popular university in northern Germany, according to the study program rating platform "StudyCheck". More than 83,000 ratings from 2024 were considered for the ranking.
To be included in the ranking, universities must have received at least 250 ratings. With 4.1 out of 5 rating stars based on 656 ratings and a recommendation rate of 95 percent, Leuphana was able to place among the top 5 universities in Germany.
The university ranking is based on all the reviews published on StudyCheck.de in the past calendar year. The so-called score value, which is made up of the star rating and the students' recommendation rate, determines the ranking. Details can be found at www.studycheck.de/hochschulranking/beliebteste-universitaeten-b
StudyCheck currently lists almost 600 universities with around 21,000 courses of study. The ratings cover, among other things, course content, lecturers, teaching and facilities, but also campus life and transport links. The ratings are supplemented by experience reports.