Td Summer School 2013


From September 1st to 10th, 2013 the Td Summer School 2013 - Trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry Re­se­arch at the Sci­ence | So­cie­ty In­ter­face - was organized at Leuphana's Center of Methods and the Faculty for Sustainability.

16 scientists and representatives of the economy and the public sector from 6 different nationalities came together for one week to take part in an intensive training in transdisciplinary methods and research. The Td Summer School aims to provide an introduction to fundamentals of transdisciplinary research and to conceptualize the development of transdisciplinary research designs along the specific topics of the participants.

The tit­le of this year’s Spe­cial Trai­ning Mo­du­le was "Constellation Analysis" and has been rea­li­sed in co­ope­ra­ti­on with the Center for Technology and Society at Technical University of Berlin, Germany.

For more information, see our folder.