Course Schedule


Ethnography of Digital Media (Kolloquium)

Dozent/in: Götz Bachmann

14-täglich | Dienstag | 14:00 - 17:30 | 16.10.2018 - 01.02.2019 | HMS D22

Inhalt: In this course, we read ethnographies and do ethnography, with the aim of developing new ways of understanding digital media and digital cultures. On the one hand, we will look closely and practically at all phases of ethnographic research: Finding a field, entering a field, working with informants, writing field diary and documentation with other media, analysing data, developing interpretations, and writing an ethnographic account (if you are preparing your BA thesis, this can, but does not have to, lead you into your research for your thesis.) On the other hand, we will read and discuss both classical and contemporary ethnographies, including those that have provided new perspectives on digital media and cultures.

non-electronic digital reverse computing for the levelling of hierarchical structures (Kolloquium)

Dozent/in: Paula Bialski, Simon Farid

Einzeltermin | Do, 25.10.2018, 09:45 - Do, 25.10.2018, 11:30 | HMS D22
Einzeltermin | Fr, 16.11.2018, 09:45 - Fr, 16.11.2018, 17:00 | HMS D22
Einzeltermin | Sa, 17.11.2018, 09:45 - Sa, 17.11.2018, 17:00 | HMS D22
Einzeltermin | Fr, 30.11.2018, 09:45 - Fr, 30.11.2018, 17:15 | HMS D22
Einzeltermin | Sa, 01.12.2018, 09:45 - Sa, 01.12.2018, 17:15 | HMS D22

Inhalt: this course is a hands-on introduction to experimental artistic research. this course is non-electronic. we will be looking at approaches to research that operate from positions of weakness. we will practice being tactical, covert and deceptive.