Course Schedule


Methoden der Politikwissenschaft: Quantitative Methoden (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Maria Ravlik

wöchentlich | Montag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 01.04.2019 - 05.07.2019 | C 11.007 (Edulab)
Einzeltermin | Mo, 15.04.2019, 16:00 - Mo, 15.04.2019, 18:00 | C 11.007 (Edulab)

Inhalt: This seminar familiarizes students with how one can use representative survey data to study culture, cultural differences as well as cultural change. We will use a hands-on approach, doing practical analyses of data from the World Values Survey in the computer lab. You will receive survey data to do your own analyses. The aim is to develop an understanding of survey data as a tool to answer research questions related to cultural phenomena. Basic analytical skills in using computer software (in particular SPSS) to analyze complex data will be built.