Course Schedule


Research Colloquium Stream A (Kolloquium)

Dozent/in: Götz Bachmann, Christian Heise

14-täglich | Dienstag | 09:45 - 13:15 | 09.04.2019 - 02.07.2019 | HMS 139

Inhalt: This is a 10 CP module - if you took your assessment in the other 5CP course, you should take part without taking the assessment.

Research Colloquium Stream B (Kolloquium)

Dozent/in: Paula Bialski

14-täglich | Dienstag | 09:45 - 13:15 | 09.04.2019 - 02.07.2019 | HMS D19

Inhalt: The aim of this seminar is to sharpen and narrow down student’s ideas for their Bachelor Thesis, through exploring various methods and project pathways. In this seminar, students will deepen their expertise in these fields, encounter different pathways, discuss and learn how to focus, narrow down and contextualise a research question (in the case of the theoretical and empirical pathway) or an applied project (in the case of the creative or technological pathway), develop their own topics while combining different approaches, and test early ideas through processes of iterative feedback.