Course Schedule


Methoden der politikwissenschaftlichen Erzählforschung (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Jörn Ketelhut

wöchentlich | Montag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 06.04.2020 - 06.07.2020 | C 40.256 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Seit einiger Zeit lässt sich sowohl in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften als auch in der Medienberichterstattung sowie dem gesellschaftlichen Diskurs eine Hinwendung zur Erzählung erkennen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei stets der Begriff des Narrativs. Narrative sind sinnstiftende Erzählungen, die in bestimmten historischen und kulturellen Kontexten entstehen. Sie transportieren Ideen, Werte und Verheißungen. Narrative spielen daher bei der Konstruktion kollektiver Identität eine maßgebliche Rolle. Sie sind zudem ein Mittel der Komplexitätsreduktion und geben Orientierung in unübersichtlichen gewordenen Zeiten. Auch die Politikwissenschaft hat das Erzählen als Forschungsgegenstand entdeckt. Ihr geht es in diesem Zusammenhang insbesondere um Narrative, die sich mit Macht und Legitimation beschäftigen. Sie fragt auch nach den "großen Erzählungen", die Auskunft über die Urspünge, den Zustand und die Zukunft des Gemeinwesens geben. Weiterhin soll geklärt werden, wie Narrative Einfluss auf politisches Handeln nehmen. Die Lehrveranstung möchte Studierende mit den Grundlagen der politikwissenschaftlichen Erzählforschung vertraut machen. Zunächst soll der Begriff des Narrativs näher geklärt werden. Anschließend richtet sich der Blick auf die theoretischen Ansätze, die in der Erzählforschung Verwendung finden. Darauf aufbauend wird gezeigt, wie sich politische Narrative aufspüren und systematisch untersuchen lassen.

Methods of Political Science: Quantitative Methods (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Belén González

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 09.04.2020 - 11.06.2020 | C 4.308b Edulab
Einzeltermin | Do, 18.06.2020, 12:15 - Do, 18.06.2020, 13:45 | fällt aus ! | reading week
wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 25.06.2020 - 09.07.2020 | C 4.308b Edulab

Inhalt: Knowledge on research methods is essential for students of any empirically oriented social science. In the study of political science, an understanding of statistical data analysis is necessary not only for conducting analysis, but also for understanding a significant proportion of the empirical political science literature. This course introduces students to research designs, quantitative methods and data analysis in empirical political science research. The seminar covers topics ranging from the first formulation of a theoretical argument to actual the empirical testing thereof. ** Seminar structure during the COVID-19 crisis: ** As instructed by the central administration of the University, this seminar was originally designed as a sit-in class but moved online for the entire Summer Semester 2020. This made necessary a fundamental reshuffling of the course content. The course will, therefore, pay more focus on research designs rather than the analysis of quantitative data analysis. The latter will be offered in the following semesters. Pay attention to the communications by the University central administration with regards to the period for which we will only have virtual classes. The University central administration is monitoring the COVID-19 crisis closely and in coordination with government authorities. Changes to the current exceptional regulations may occur. During the Summer Semester 2020 the course will take as follows: (**) Virtual Class: Classes will take place on Thursdays from 12:15 to 13:45, as originally scheduled by the University central administration, in the "virtual'" classroom. I will use the application Zoom for this purpose. Students who have successfully registered for this seminar will receive a link via MyStudy Messages to join the video conference for each class session as well as documentations with rules of engagement in the virtual classroom. Students do not need a Zoom account. (**) Class Structure: The virtual class will consist of 3-blocks. (1) First, I do a lecture on the topic of the week. These lectures are based on the assigned readings. In order to be able to follow the lecture, you need to prepare the readings in advance. (2) Then we will discuss topics of the lecture in groups or engage in pre-assigned activities. (3) Finally, we will collectively summarize the main take away points for the topic of the week. In the end, I will present the questions or activities that students need to prepare for the next class. The structure of the class is subjected to changes depending on the total number of students registered. (**) Study Materials (Reading and Activities): All the working material for this seminar will be available for registered students in MyStudy. This includes all the readings assigned, all supporting material for in-class activities, and all questions and slides. (**) Consultation Hours: This will also take place via video-conference. Students who registered for a Consultation Hour slot will receive a Zoom Meeting link to their Luephana email address to join online for the assigned slot. (**) Evaluation: Due to the changeover to digital teaching, there will no longer be a single Lab-exam on Th, 16/07/20. Instead, the evaluation of students for this seminar will consist of three assignments during the Summer Semester 2020. Assignment #1 and #2 are each 25% of the overall grade, while assignment #3 is 50% of the overall grade. See the entrance "Notice" above for further details on the deadlines.