Course Schedule


Analytical CRM in tourism & hospitality (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Özcan Asilkan

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 06.04.2021 - 06.07.2021 | C 6.320 Seminarraum
wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 08.04.2021 - 08.07.2021 | C 6.320 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the most effective marketing strategies that helps organizations increase their customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention in order to build and manage long-term relationships. There exist three types of CRM: Operational, Analytical and Collaborative. In this event, we will focus on Analytical CRM which comprises the analysis and systematic evaluation of customer data using business intelligence functions. We will investigate the efficient uses of Analytical CRM in the organizations of tourism and hospitality. Students will work in teams of 3-5 people to develop specific solutions to problems from the practice of the cooperation partners. Each team will focus on at least one of the major course topics. Two industrial partners will contribute to the course, from the hands-on implementation view. First partner is “Talya Bilisim”, an IT company located in Antalya (tourism capital of Turkey) who has been developing software for the organizations in tourism & hospitality (e.g. hotels, travel agents, restaurants, etc.). Second partner is “Analytical Company”, a big data company located in Hamburg (Germany) who has been generating analytical information for automobile industry. Both partners will help students learn the methods and to utilize Analytical CRM. They might also provide some extra benefits to eager students; such as part-time paid work, summer internship, and full-time work after graduate. There will also be guest speakers who will share their success stories accompanied by useful advices in this field. Every week the teams will be coached by the lecturer. Major Topics: - Analytical CRM concept (loyalty, retention, churn analysis, etc.) - Data Mining and Machine Learning methods - Web app development - Mobile app development (Android / iOS)

Betriebliche Informationssysteme im Rechnungswesen / IT-Anwendung im Rechnungswesen (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Jürgen Jacobs

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 08:15 - 11:45 | 06.04.2021 - 09.07.2021 | Online-Veranstaltung

Inhalt: Das Modul befasst sich mit Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Aufgaben, Strukturen und Funktionsweisen von Data-Warehouse-Systemen zur datenbasierten Unternehmenssteuerung. Die dazu erforderlichen IT-Kenntnisse und betriebswirtschaftlichen Kenntnisse werden in Form von Vorlesungen und Übungen vermittelt. Im Rahmen eines Projekts werden die Vorlesungsinhalte vertieft und praktische Erfahrungen in der Entwicklung eines Data Warehouse-Teilsystems gesammelt. Der Fokus des Projekts kann nach eigenen Interessen definiert werden.

Wirtschaftsinformatik-Projekt II E-Business (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Mathias Groß

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 08:15 - 11:45 | 06.04.2021 - 09.07.2021 | Online-Veranstaltung

Inhalt: In dieser Veranstaltung erarbeiten die Studierenden in Gruppen von 3-5 Personen konkrete Lösungen zu Problemstellungen aus der Praxis des Kooperationspartners. Im Sommersemester 2021 ist das Unternehmen HOLCIM unser Projektpartner.