Course Schedule
Public Commercial Law (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Nicolas Sölter
Einzeltermin | Sa, 09.04.2022, 10:00 - Sa, 09.04.2022, 17:00 | C 40.153 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 22.04.2022, 18:00 - Fr, 22.04.2022, 20:00 | C 40.152 Seminarraum | via Zoom
Einzeltermin | Mo, 25.04.2022, 18:00 - Mo, 25.04.2022, 20:00 | C 40.152 Seminarraum | via Zoom
Einzeltermin | Mi, 04.05.2022, 18:00 - Mi, 04.05.2022, 20:00 | C 40.152 Seminarraum | via Zoom
Einzeltermin | Sa, 14.05.2022, 10:00 - Sa, 14.05.2022, 16:00 | C 40.152 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 02.06.2022, 18:00 - Do, 02.06.2022, 20:00 | C 14.001 Seminarraum | Online Guest Lecture Menelaos Markakis
Inhalt: I. 1. Introduction 2. „Housekeeping“ (structure, contents, grading system, reading list) 3. Key concepts and terms of public economic law 4. Introduction to constitutional and institutional framework (international, EU and national level) » Presentations: BVerfGE 105, 252 (Glykolwarnung); BVerfG, Beschluss des Zweiten Senats vom 25. März 2021 (Mietendeckel) II. 1. Economic principles of EU primary law and of the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz, GG) – fundamental freedoms and basic rights 2. Special emphasis on Articles 12 and 14 GG 3. Discussion » Presentations: ECJ 22 May 1978, nr. C-120/78, Cassis de Dijon; ECJ 24 November 1993, Joined cases C-267/91 and C-268/91, Keck; BVerfGE E 7, S. 377 ff. (Apothekenurteil); BVerfGE 58, S. 300 ff. (Naßauskiesung) III. 1. Competition law, state aid law, procurement law 2. German commercial law and related bodies of law 3. Conclusion and feedback » Presentations: ECJ 17 June 1999 – C-75/97; ECJ 20 March 1997 - C-24/95 IV. To be scheduled – Guest Lecture "Regulating Social Media" (2h) V. To be scheduled – Guest Lecture “Introduction to the Economic and Monetary Union” (guest lecturer: Menelaos Markakis, MJur DPhil (Oxon)) (2h) Details and further information (incl. reading list) to follow.