Course Schedule
Qualitative Research Methods - Cultural Entrepreneurship (Übung)
Dozent/in: Lena Kostuj
wöchentlich | Dienstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 14.102 b Seminarraum
Inhalt: This course offers students a basic introduction to qualitative research methods. In this tutorial, students come together at Leuphana and discuss the lecture's content in more detail. We will have time to answer questions and look at published studies as examples for conducting qualitative research. A primary goal of this tutorial is the advancement of students' own research projects, which will make up 70% of the final grade. Research projects are group-based projects of two to three students. Students will conduct their own qualitative study and present their interim results within this tutorial (30% of final grade). While the students themselves will discern the individual research questions, the broader focus of this seminar will be on 'Cultural Entrepreneurship', exploring the characteristics and specific challenges of cultural work and organizations. Students are asked to work on a related topic and collect their empirical data accordingly by taking field notes, interviewing people for their research projects, and/or collecting further empirical evidence (if applicable). The seminar will be used to discuss current challenges and apply the lecture's theoretical constructs to practice.
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 22/23) - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 21/22) - Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods - Exploring (shared) Leadership (Übung)
Dozent/in: Sünje von Helldorff
Einzeltermin | Mo, 04.11.2024, 08:15 - Mo, 04.11.2024, 11:45 | C 25.021 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Mo, 04.11.2024, 08:15 - Mo, 04.11.2024, 11:45 | C 27.0a
14-täglich | Montag | 08:15 - 11:45 | 11.11.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 25.019 Seminarraum | C25.019
Einzeltermin | Mo, 18.11.2024, 08:15 - Mo, 18.11.2024, 11:45 | C 25.021 Seminarraum
Inhalt: This course offers students a basic introduction into qualitative research methods. Qualitative research is a strategy to study a given phenomenon of interest through interviews, participant observations, and documents. In contrast to quantitative research approaches, these large bodies of unstructured data can often not be analyzed by formal, statistical approaches. Students will learn to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research and to discern the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. We will cover topics such as the nature of qualitative research, different research designs, data collection, data analysis and coding, writing up qualitative research, and ethics in qualitative research.
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 22/23) - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 21/22) - Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods - Exploring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (Übung)
Dozent/in: Leonie Anika Eising
wöchentlich | Montag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 5.019 Seminarraum
Inhalt: This course offers students a basic introduction to qualitative research methods. In this tutorial, students come together at Leuphana and discuss the online lecture's content in more detail. The students will conduct their qualitative research projects, and we will have time to answer questions and look at published studies as examples of how to conduct qualitative research. A primary goal of this tutorial is advancing students' research projects, which will make up 70% of the final grade. The research projects are group-based projects of about three students. The students will conduct their qualitative study and present interim results within this tutorial (30% of final grade). While the students themselves will develop their individual research questions, the broader focus of this seminar will be on 'Entrepreneurial Ecosystems'. Students are asked to interview people for their research projects and maybe even collect further qualitative data, if applicable. The online lecture will be used to discuss current challenges, and the students will apply the lecture's theoretical constructs in practice. Next to psychological and social factors that shape entrepreneurship, the environment, specifically the ‘ecosystem,’ is vital for the process and outcome of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial ecosystems consist of interacting actors and factors relevant to entrepreneurship in a specific territory. Stam and Van de Ven (2021) propose an entrepreneurial ecosystem model of institutions and resources with ten mutually interdependent and measurable elements: formal institutions, culture, networks, physical infrastructure, demand, intermediaries, talent, knowledge, leadership, and finance. Exploring entrepreneurial ecosystems is essential to identify ecosystems' strengths and weaknesses and consider mechanisms to further desirable developments. Ideally, the output of the ecosystem is some value creation or ‘productive entrepreneurship’ (Audretsch et al. 2021; Stam and Van de Ven 2021). Thus, scholars have investigated entrepreneurial ecosystems in regions or cities emphasizing stimulating high growth (Audretsch et al. 2021; Stam and Van de Ven 2021). However, sustainable entrepreneurship solves societal and environmental problems (Schaltegger and Wagner 2011) and needs different institutions and relations (Volkmann et al. 2021) than entrepreneurship aiming at profit maximization and growth. What kind of entrepreneurial ecosystem is conducive to entrepreneurship for sustainable development? What dynamics unfold in entrepreneurial ecosystems? What are the drivers and barriers to impact creation in the entrepreneurial ecosystem? All these and many more are questions we can explore using qualitative methods.
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 22/23) - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 21/22) - Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods - Exploring Social Entrepreneurship (Übung)
Dozent/in: Leonie Anika Eising
wöchentlich | Montag | 08:15 - 09:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 6.317 Seminarraum
Inhalt: This course offers students a basic introduction to qualitative research methods. In this tutorial, students come together at Leuphana and discuss the online lecture's content in more detail. The students will conduct their qualitative research projects, and we will have time to answer questions and look at published studies as examples of how to conduct qualitative research. A primary goal of this tutorial is advancing students' research projects, which will make up 70% of the final grade. The research projects are group-based projects of about three students. The students will conduct their qualitative study and present interim results within this tutorial (30% of final grade). While the students themselves will develop their individual research questions, the broader focus of this seminar will be on 'Social Entrepreneurship'. Students are asked to interview people for their research projects and maybe even collect further qualitative data, if applicable. The online lecture will be used to discuss current challenges, and the students will apply the lecture's theoretical constructs in practice. In this seminar, we will explore Social Entrepreneurship further: What motivates social entrepreneurs? How do they identify entrepreneurial opportunities? How do they perceive their role in society? How do they create impact and what does this 'impact' look like? All these and many more are questions we can explore using qualitative methods.
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 22/23) - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 21/22) - Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods - Lecture (Seminar)
Dozent/in: N. N.
Inhalt: This course offers students a basic introduction into qualitative research methods. Qualitative research is a strategy to study a given phenomenon of interest through interviews, participant observations, and documents. In contrast to quantitative research approaches, these large bodies of unstructured data can often not be analyzed by formal, statistical approaches. Students will learn to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research and to discern the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. We will cover topics such as the nature of qualitative research, different research designs, data collection, data analysis and coding, writing up qualitative research, and ethics in qualitative research.
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 22/23) - Qualitative Research Methods
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 21/22) - Qualitative Research Methods