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Governance and Civil Society beyond the nation state (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Dawid Friedrich

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 01.04.2019 - 05.07.2019 | C 12.101 Seminarraum

Inhalt: The expansion of transnational civil society (TCS) challenges the regulatory reach of nation-states, both individually and collectively. Organizations of a TCS have increasingly become engaged in numerous, transnational activities: some act as service providers (i.a. in disaster aid); others provide policy expertise to public institutions (such as International (UN) and Regional Organizations (EU, AU)); others engage in mobilizing transnational mass protest vis-a-vis certain policies (such as TTIP) or against certain International Organizations (such as the IMF); others have become central to specific policy fields, such as development, human rights, climate change. Altogether, TCS has evolved into an important building bloc of what is called Global Governance. Social Science research from different disciplinary backgrounds (such as Political Science, International Relations, International Law, International Political Sociology, International Political Theory) has engaged in numerous and diverse research on this phenomenon: descriptive research focused on outlining the emergence and the activities of TCS actors and their inclusion in Global Governance; empirical research have tried to explain these phenomena; normative research reflect upon TCS's emergence as a potential resource for achieving postnational democratic legitimacy; sociological scholarship try to make sense about new state-society-relations in a globalising world.