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Mobilität, Verkehrspolitik und -planung (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Peter Pez
wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 08:15 - 09:45 | 04.04.2022 - 08.07.2022 | C 16.129 Seminarraum
Inhalt: Verkehrsgeschichte, Wechselwirkung Raumstruktur Verkehrserschließung, Wegebau als wirtschaftliche Regionalförderung, ökologische Probleme, Strukturen und Entwicklungen im Güter- und Personenfernverkehr (Luftfahrt, Bahn, Transrapid, Kfz-Verkehr), ÖPNV im ländlichen Raum; Wechselwirkung von Stadt- und Verkehrs-entwicklung, Planungsansätze im Städtebau, Verkehrsplanung in MIV, ÖPNV, Rad- und Fußgängerverkehr, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Theorie der Verkehrsmittelwahl
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Kulturwissenschaften - Sektorale Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeografie
- Leuphana Bachelor - Minor Raumwissenschaften (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 18/19) - Sectoral Planning I
- Leuphana Bachelor - Minor Raumwissenschaften (Studienbeginn WiSe 19/20 und 20/21) - Sectoral Planning I
- Leuphana Bachelor - Minor Raumwissenschaften (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 21/22) - Räumliche Planung in der Praxis
Restoration of Biodiversity in Urban Settings - the Leuphana Campus (Übung)
Dozent/in: Victoria Temperton
14-täglich | Mittwoch | 08:15 - 11:45 | 13.04.2022 - 06.07.2022 | C 40.164 Seminarraum | .
Inhalt: Urban areas are a key showplace for socio-ecological restoration. The Leuphana campus holds a great potential for biodiversity restoration and connecting people to nature more. The work in this course is very much project-focused with work in groups on specific aspects of the sustainability challenge of restoring biodiversity on campus. These challenges include balancing options for landscaping that include more native and biodiverse assemblages and cover different habitat types for plants and animals, as well as issues of openness and acceptance of different ways of landscaping and sharing space, and logistical and content issues such as lack of biodiversity knowledge and identification skills both in students and landscape gardeners. We will be navigating this complexity and the goal will be to interact with a number of different stakeholders involved in campus landscaping, among them the Leuphana Biodiversitäts AG, the Präsidium, gardeners and the other campus stakeholders. Last year’s seminar has gathered stakeholder perspectives and made a blueprint with suggestions to restore biodiversity on particular sites of the campus. These measures include a reduction of mowing frequency and seeding seed mixtures containing native plants that are attractive for flower visiting insects. This recurring seminar allows for long-term effects of social ecological restoration and biodiversity restoration to be assessed over time, as the campus dynamically changes with the activities. If we manage to assess the current condition of the campus and what soils and plants are already present and link this to how we would like different areas to develop this will set a solid foundation for mapping and tracking not only biodiversity changes on campus but also the functioning of ecosystems and the contributions they provide to people via nature. Currently in ecological restoration there is increasing interest in addressing such multifunctional outcomes, as well as biodiversity metrics. In the seminar this summer, we will a) develop a coherent and realistic plan assessing time zero status of sites and which methods will be used to assess biodiversity and changes in values and connections to nature that will ensue from the social ecological restoration. Secondly, b), we will start putting the blueprint into action at select smaller sites, in collaboration with the University management and further develop ideas in accordance with other stakeholders. This will allow students to gain hands-on experiences in both urban restoration and the complexity and communication skills needed for. The successful implementation of restoration measures significantly depends on public acceptance and communication. Therefore we will also practice the communication of scientific perspectives with the public by doing an informative campaign about the biodiversity values on the Leuphana campus.
- Leuphana Bachelor - Minor Raumwissenschaften (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 18/19) - Biodiversity and Conservation
- Leuphana Bachelor - Minor Raumwissenschaften (Studienbeginn WiSe 19/20 und 20/21) - Biodiversity and Conservation
- Leuphana Bachelor - Minor Raumwissenschaften (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 21/22) - Räumliche Planung in der Praxis