Leuphana jurists to work for EU arbitration tribunals

2022-06-27 Lüneburg/Brussels. When it comes to settling bilateral disputes regarding trade agreements between the EU and third countries, two members of the Leuphana University Lüneburg will also act as arbitrators in the future. Law professor Dr Jelena Bäumler and law professor Dr Jörg Terhechte have now been added to a corresponding list of experts on trade and sustainable development by the European Commission at the suggestion of the Federal Republic of Germany. University President Sascha Spoun is pleased about this high distinction: "Leuphana is the only German university to provide two of the few lawyers on the list. This shows that we are one of the important addresses in Europe in European and international business law."

International law and sustainability expert Jelena Bäumler refers to the increasing importance of arbitration courts for the settlement of disputes in international trade and explains: "These proceedings involve complex disputes. Reconciling trade and sustainability in free trade agreements is one of the great challenges of our time." Jörg Philipp Terhechte, an expert in European and international law, sees the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom as a good example of this development: "The EU and the United Kingdom have decided to have disputes settled by arbitration courts in the future. Given the recent discussions around Brexit, these courts will have to face quite a bit of work."

The arbitrators and experts on trade and sustainable development were selected by an independent panel of experienced international judges and academics appointed by the European Parliament, the Council, the Member States and the Commission. The individual suitability of each applicant was rigorously assessed for appointment.

Further information from the EU Commission is available here.