Leuphana launches series of events on the topic of trust
Lüneburg. On 18 October at 6 p.m., a series of events will begin at Leuphana University Lüneburg on the topic of "Trust as the Basis of a Social Future". Eight so-called live podcasts, which bring together academics, practitioners and the audience online via Zoom, will focus on the importance of trust in different areas of society. The first event is entitled "Trust Issues?" and is dedicated to understanding and explaining trust. Interested parties are cordially invited to tune into the podcast. Access data is available on the website www.leuphana.de/vertrauen-zukunft.
The series of events is part of a research project of the same name by social education professor Dr. Philipp Sandermann. The live podcasts are designed to bring academics, relevant actors from practice and interested parties into conversation about trust in different areas of society. Podcast guests from academia and practice first give input and then enter into a dialogue. This will be followed by an exchange with the live audience.
The other events will focus on trust in democracy and the welfare state, trust in social work, trust in the financial and economic system or trust in the press and science. Academics from other universities are invited to provide academic impulses, while representatives from foundations, editorial offices and associations, among others, will provide practical voices.