New continuing education offer: Digitalisation in human resources development

2022-12-05 Lüneburg. The new continuing education programme 'Digital Learning & Development' at Leuphana Professional School is aimed at those responsible for personnel development in companies. Multimedia computer scientist Prof. Dr. Mathias Groß and his team want to teach how the development needs of employees can be identified, how individualised training programmes can be developed and how their success can be measured. An online information event on 8 December at 6 p.m. offers interested parties the opportunity to obtain detailed information about the part-time programme.

Six online modules are on offer, covering the range of topics from strategic issues to the technical dimension of digital learning to the conception and implementation of concrete digital continuing education measures. They can be taken individually, combined freely or completed in full over the course of two semesters as a certificate programme. Practical relevance and application are important elements of the offer, which is why experienced practitioners are also involved in the training.

The first module begins in April 2023. Applications are possible until 31 January. Ingo Auhagen ( , Fon 04131.677-2467) coordinates the new study programme and is available for a personal consultation.

All further information on the programme can be found here.

The Professional School at Leuphana University Lüneburg has more than 15 years of experience in developing and implementing online study programmes. In addition to multimedia online learning content and diverse learning activities, the experts at the university's continuing education institution also believe that a high degree of exchange and social interaction are part of promising digital learning.