Workshop on the treatment of indigenous cultural objects in German museums
2025-01-29 Lüneburg. How can the forcible separation of indigenous cultural objects from their societies of origin be reversed? This question is the focus of the international workshop Beyond Restitution: Indigenous Practices, Museums, and Heritage at Leuphana University Lüneburg. The event, taking place on February 7 and 8, 2025, brings together indigenous researchers, activists, and artists from Brazil, Chile, and Colombia with German and international museum experts.
Germany currently possesses one of the world's largest collections of indigenous objects from the upper Rio Negro region. In light of the reopening of the Brazilian National Museum next year, the workshop will not only address the question of restitution, but also new ways of collaboration between museums and indigenous communities. Representatives of German museums are invited to learn from the experiences of the indigenous researchers, to report on their experiences in their respective museums, and to take a fresh look at their own collections in terms of joint strategies.
The event will take place in the central building of Leuphana University Lüneburg (Room C40.704). Registration is required by January 29, 2025 at:
Further information is available here.