LIAS Workshop: Beyond Restitution: Indigenous Practices, Museums, and Heritage
07. Feb
Friday, February 7th 2024, 12pm - 7.30pm
Location: Leuphana University Lüneburg | C40.704
Language: English, with simultaneous translation from and to Spanish and Portuguese
Please register at by 29 January 2025.
This workshop connects Indigenous representatives, artists, and researchers with European collections. One of the most salient characteristics of European collecting and musealization was to separate so-called objects from Indigenous peoples and their practices. This workshop asks what is needed to undo this violent separation.
Regarding collections from South America, Germany has a special responsibility: Since the burning down of the Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in 2018, for example, Germany has been one of the biggest holders of objects from the Upper Rio Negro (Amazonia) Indigenous communities.
The main questions of the event are:
What does it take
… to collect without owning?
… to restitute meaning?
… to return practices?
… to respect Indigenous approaches to care?
… to facilitate ritual practices?
Among the experts invited are: Glicéria Tupinambá, anthropologist and artist, Serra do Padeiro, Bahia, Brazil; Francy Baniwa, anthropologist, Içana River, Amazon, Brazil; Francisco Huichiaqueo, artist and filmmaker, Wallmapu, Chile accompanied by members of the Mapuche Community of Bollilco; Mama José Shibulata Zarabata and José Manuel Sauna Mamatacan (representing the Kággaba, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia); Christine Chávez, Curator of the Americas Collections, MARKK Hamburg; Romy Köhler, Department of Anthropology of the Americas, Bonn University; Stefanie Schien, Curator of the South America Collection, Ethnologisches Museum zu Berlin; Frank Usbeck, Curator for the Americas at the State Art Collections Dresden / Ethnographic Collections Saxony; Carla Jaimes Betancourt, Professor of Cultural Heritage, Department of Anthropology of the Americas, University of Bonn (moderator).
The event is organised by the Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies (LIAS) in Culture and Society, in collaboration with Fernanda Pitta (Professor of the Research Division in Art, Theory and Criticism of the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo and Principal Investigator in the research project “Decay Without Mourning: Future Thinking Heritage Practices") and Bruno Moreschi (LIAS Fellow and Researcher in the research project “Decay Without Mourning: Future Thinking Heritage Practices"), Lynn Rother (Professor for Provenance Studies, Leuphana University Lüneburg), Sebastián Eduardo and Laura Felicitas Sabel (Research Assistants at Leuphana University Lüneburg), and Susanne Leeb (Professor for Contemporary Art at Leuphana University Lüneburg and Co-director of LIAS).
The workshop is made possible by collaboration with the research training group “Cultures of Critique”, the Leuphana University Kunstraum, and the São Paulo-based project “Decay Without Mourning: Future Thinking, Heritage Practices”, funded by Volkswagen Foundation, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Wallenberg Foundation, and the RiksbankensJubileumsfond.
12-12:30 pm Welcome and opening remarks
Fernanda Pitta, Professor of the Research Division in Art, Theory and Criticism of the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo
Bruno Moreschi, Fellow, Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society
12:30-1:30 pm Francy Baniwa
Moderated by: Fernanda Pitta, Professor of the Research Division in Art, Theory and Criticism of the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo
1:30-2:30 pm Glicéria Tupinambá
Moderated by: Bruno Moreschi, Fellow, Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society
2:30-3:15 pm Coffee break
3:15-4:15 pm Francisco Huichaqueo, with Catalina Alvarado Cañuta, Carlos Alberto Carilao Sanzana, Leticia Alejandra Rucal Railao, Brayhan Alexander Carilao, Belen Carolina Carilao Quiduleo, Hector Alejandro Carilao Rucal, Rayen Monserrat Carilao Rucal
Moderated by: Sebastián Eduardo, Research Associate, Professorship for Contemporary Art, Leuphana University
4:15-5:15 pm Mama José Shibulata Zarabata Sauna and José Manuel Sauna Mamatacan
Moderated by: Laura Felicitas Sabel, Research Associate, DFG-Research Training Group “Cultures of Critique”, Leuphana University
5:15-5:30 pm Coffee break
5:30-6:30 pm Sharing perspectives