Critique and Imagination ©Collage: Niklas Keller; Yale University Library/Underwood & Underwood, public domain
Critique and Imagination

Recent Activities

Richard Drayton: "The Time of Capital", Interpretation of Hew Locke's "The Procession" (Tate Britain, 2022-3). Film by Paul Mellon Centre for the Studies in British Art,:

Maud Meyzaud, Round Table: "Gibt es ein 'unstetes' Archiv der Literatur? Globale Verflechtungen in Folge von Exil, Migration und Flucht"
June 5th 2024
Zentrum Geisteswissenschaften, Frankfurt/Main

Paula Bertúa, Lecture: “The Book of the Ten Thousand Things: fictions and multispecies imagination”
Conference: XLI Congress of SoFHIA (Société française des hispanistes et ibéro-américanistes), La forêt dans les mondes ibériques et ibéro-américains
June 5th -8th, 2024
Limoges University, France

Maud Meyzaud, Symposium: "Roberto Schwarz Beyond Borders"
June 6th and 7th 2024

Paula Bertúa, Co-chair of the panel “The becoming of technical artifacts: material life and non-anthropic existences”
Conference: 36th CIHA World Congress. Matter/ Materiality
June 23rd – 28th 2024
University of Lyon, France