Case Study Office

The Case Study Office of the School of Sustainability coordinates, documents and informs about inter- and transdisciplinary student research projects (case studies) at Leuphana.

In Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research, ecological, economic, social and cultural perspectives on challenges of our time find an integrated consideration.

In application- and problem-based teaching research projects, we connect students, lecturers, researchers and other social actors in public life with the aim of solving social challenges together. The guiding principle of the "Sustainable Development Goals" of the United Nations (UN), which unite the concepts of sustainability and future viability, is the guiding principle for the student research projects of the School of Sustainability.

I look forward to a lively exchange and hope you enjoy browsing through our Case Study Database.

Studierende bei der Seminararbeit ©Leuphana/Yanti Soerjana
Außenansicht des Zentralgebäudes vom Campus aus ©Cornelia Suhan
Sustainable Delevopment Goals UN ©Sustainable Development Goals UN


Open positions - Looking for tutors for the Bachelor seminars "Basics of Inter- and Transdisciplinarity"
Open positions - Looking for tutors for the Master's seminars "Transdisciplinary Research Design"
Transdisciplinary Student Research Project "Space Station Nolte"


No news available.
Workshop 'The Role of Context in Transdisciplinary Research'

News Archive