Course Schedule


Kritik des Kapitalismus und Neoliberalismus (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Volker Kirchberg

wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 12:00 - 14:00 | 17.10.2016 - 21.12.2016 | C 14.006 Seminarraum
wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 12:00 - 14:00 | 11.01.2017 - 03.02.2017 | C 14.006 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 27.01.2017, 10:00 - Fr, 27.01.2017, 15:00 | C 14.202 Seminarraum

Inhalt: The events of the financial crisis 2008/09 caused a revival of neo- and post-Marxist critique of the dominant economic system of capitalism, and its political and ideological variation, neo-liberalism. The course will provide an overview on classical and current texts of critique of capitalism, and it will try to relate the partially controversial and antithetic opinions of the consulted authors. We can distinguish the following thematic foci: 1. At the beginning we will present variations of critiques of capitalism, inspired by Marx‘ original critique (classical Marxismus and current Post-Marxism), 2. we will look at specific variations that have been developed in the discipline of sociology (Wallerstein, Boltanski/Chiapello, Sennett), 3. and at papers that try to explain the causes of the financial crisis will be included (e.g., Gowan), at fourth we will introduce the concept of neo-liberalism (e.g., Harvey), 4. under special consideration of subject-oriented constitutions, in the tradition of von Foucault (Dardot und Laval); 5. a next topic will be the problematic relation of neo-liberalism to democracy (Crouch, Laclau/Mouffe) 6. plus current articles on the development of neo-liberalism after the 2008/09 crisis (Hall, Mirowski, Streeck). 7. Finally we will discuss forms of resistence and resilience against impacts of capitalism and neo-liberalism.