Course Schedule


Asset Management (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Andrea Schertler

14-täglich | Freitag | 08:15 - 11:45 | 28.10.2016 - 03.02.2017 | C 12.102 Seminarraum | Beginn 2. Woche

Inhalt: People have to decide on how much to consume today and how much to postpone to the future. Given that they want to postpone some of their today’s income to the future, they have to decide on how to build their portfolios. This seminar deals with portfolio creation, equilibrium capital market models, such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model and Arbitrage Pricing Theory, as well as irrational explanations that help understand outcomes in stock markets. Topics (examples): Recent developments in factor models: Fama, E. F. and K. R. French (2015). A five-factor asset pricing model. Journal of Financial Economics 106: 1-22 Arbitrage pricing theory (APT): Roll, R. and S. Ross (1980). An empirical investigation of the arbitrage pricing theory. Journal of Finance 35 (5): 1073–1103.

Bankmanagement (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Ulf Baxmann

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 18.10.2016 - 31.01.2017 | C 6.321 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Diese (bank-)betriebswirtschaftliche Veranstaltung befasst sich mit ausgewählten, seitens des Bankmanagements anzustellenden Überlegungen zur Führung von Kreditinstituten, so insbes. zur Planung und Organisation von Kreditinstituten sowie zum Bankmarketing.

Finanzielle Restrukturierung (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Johannes-Jörg Riegler

Einzeltermin | Fr, 18.11.2016, 09:00 - Fr, 18.11.2016, 16:00 | C 16.124 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Sa, 19.11.2016, 09:00 - Sa, 19.11.2016, 14:30 | C 5.109 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Di, 29.11.2016, 16:00 - Di, 29.11.2016, 19:00 | C 7.319 Seminarraum | Sprechstunde
Einzeltermin | Sa, 17.12.2016, 09:00 - Sa, 17.12.2016, 16:00 | C 16.124 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | So, 18.12.2016, 09:00 - So, 18.12.2016, 14:30 | C 5.109 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Unternehmenskrisen aus Sicht von kreditgebenden Banken, Bedeutung und Durchführung verschiedener Maßnahmen der Schuldenumstrukturierung

Trends in Finance (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Matthias Pelster

14-täglich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 15:45 | 27.10.2016 - 19.01.2017 | C 14.201 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 15.12.2016, 14:00 - Do, 15.12.2016, 16:00 | C 6.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 12.01.2017, 12:00 - Do, 12.01.2017, 16:00 | C 6.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 26.01.2017, 12:00 - Do, 26.01.2017, 16:00 | C 6.320 Seminarraum

Inhalt: The course focuses on important topics concerning capital markets, including theoretical foundations, implications, and empirical applications. Applying theories from the field of capital markets requires a good command of quantitative models. Participating students will be able to use them, after having deepened their understanding of analytical methods.