Course Schedule


Flash Debating. Englisch ab B2 (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Paul Lauer

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 06.04.2020 - 10.07.2020 | C 12.015 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Dieses Semester wird die Veranstaltung als E-Learning Format angeboten, d.h. als Mischung aus Einzel- bzw. Gruppenbetreuung und selbstgesteuertem Lernen. Flash debating or speed debating is about discussing topics—whether controversial, profound, or even silly—with a minimum of preparation and to maximum effect. You’ll learn how to make an argument, research your topic and then debate: argument, counter-argument, and draw a conclusion. Practice organizing your thoughts, presenting them powerfully, and defending your viewpoint. In the end you’ll not only have practiced and developed a key skill, you may have learned to question some of your deepest convictions.

Working with Words (Group 1). Englisch ab B2 (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Maryann Henck

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 12:15 - 15:45 | 06.04.2020 - 10.07.2020 | C 5.111 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Dieses Semester wird die Veranstaltung als E-Learning Format angeboten, d.h. als Mischung aus Einzel- bzw. Gruppenbetreuung und selbstgesteuertem Lernen. Do you find yourself dodging the dictionary, confounded by collocations, terrified by translation yet somehow in love with LEO? Perhaps you just feel overwhelmed by words and their wily ways. If you haven’t found your inner “word nerd” yet (and even if you have), this seminar will make a logophile (or maybe even a logomaniac) out of you. After a brief introduction to the perils of translation and the benefits of effective cross-referencing skills, subsequent course topics will include but are not limited to: eponyms; acronyms and initialisms; clippings and blends; connotations and denotations; homonyms, homophones, and homographs. Using a variety of cultural texts (e.g. lyrics/poetry, fiction and non-fiction, films and television series, etc.) as potential sources, you will begin collecting and selecting new words for practical as well as creative exercises. The ultimate objective is not only to learn how to work with words but also how to make them work for you.

Working with Words (Group 2). Englisch ab B2 (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Maryann Henck

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 14:15 - 17:45 | 06.04.2020 - 10.07.2020 | C 5.111 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Dieses Semester wird die Veranstaltung als E-Learning Format angeboten, d.h. als Mischung aus Einzel- bzw. Gruppenbetreuung und selbstgesteuertem Lernen. Do you find yourself dodging the dictionary, confounded by collocations, terrified by translation yet somehow in love with LEO? Perhaps you just feel overwhelmed by words and their wily ways. If you haven’t found your inner “word nerd” yet (and even if you have), this seminar will make a logophile (or maybe even a logomaniac) out of you. After a brief introduction to the perils of translation and the benefits of effective cross-referencing skills, subsequent course topics will include but are not limited to: eponyms; acronyms and initialisms; clippings and blends; connotations and denotations; homonyms, homophones, and homographs. Using a variety of cultural texts (e.g. lyrics/poetry, fiction and non-fiction, films and television series, etc.) as potential sources, you will begin collecting and selecting new words for practical as well as creative exercises. The ultimate objective is not only to learn how to work with words but also how to make them work for you.