Course Schedule
Explaining Cases in International Relations (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Dawid Friedrich
wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 21.10.2021 - 03.02.2022 | C 40.154 Seminarraum
Inhalt: For many citizens, today’s international system is characterized by disorder, violence, risk and a lack of willingness to address common global challenges such as the climate crisis. The international state system changes into a multipolar order, the fate of International Organizations in an age of re-nationalisation and possible democratic decline is uncertain, as is the power of non-state actors. Yet, national policy-making and global governance are increasingly interwoven in complex multi-level structures. But how is it possible to explain these developments academically? The academic discipline of International Relations offers a number of theories that seek to explain these developments in the international system. Based on the theoretical knowledge acquired in the “Introduction into IR” (in semester two of the Major Political Science), this class tries to use some of the theories as tools to better understand the emergence of new actors in international politics, to explain the successes and failures of international cooperation and to discuss the legitimacy of global governance. The seminar will concentrate on the following three elements: - Philosophy of Science and Methodology of IR, - Research Design and Operationalization of IR theories, - Empirical analysis of cases of international politics.