Course Schedule


Inferential Statistics II - Group Dr. Loschelder (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Hannes Petrowsky

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 18.10.2021 - 04.02.2022 | C 40.146 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Quantitative methods covered in the lecture will be repeated in the seminar and practically applied by means of exercises. For independent consolidation of the methods, the students work on a weekly assignment sheet, which is handed in to the tutor. The practical exercises are done with the free open source software R (

Inferential Statistics II (FSL) (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: David Loschelder

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 18.10.2021 - 04.02.2022 | C 12.111 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Applied statistics for Psychologists, in particular Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), ANCOVAs, Factor Analysis, Bayesian approaches, JASP, and meta-analyses.

Inferenzstatistik II (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Hans-Rüdiger Pfister

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 18.10.2021 - 04.02.2022 | W HS 3 | wenn Präsenz nicht möglich, dann Online-Veranstaltung

Inhalt: Angewandte Statistik für Psychologen, insbesondere Regressionsanalyse, Varianzanalyse, Faktorenanalyse.