Course Schedule
Marketing (Vorlesung)
Dozent/in: Monika Imschloß
wöchentlich | Dienstag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 04.04.2022 - 08.07.2022 | C 14.027 Seminarraum
Inhalt: The course deals with key activities of marketing management. Marketing activities are determined by managerial decisions concerning product management, pricing, communication activities, and distribution channels. Consequently, these four key areas of marketing will receive special attention in this lecture. Participants will develop an understanding for the strategic relevance of market orientation for firm success. The analysis of markets and consumer behavior are important prerequisites for successful marketing activities. Therefore, a selection of tools to analyze the micro- and marcoenvironment will be introduced. Like other business activities, marketing is subject to control mechanisms measuring its effectiveness and efficiency. Thus, a selection of instruments used in marketing controlling are introduced. Furthermore, being the interface between firms and customers, marketing bears societal responsibility. For this reason, participants will be encouraged to reflect critically upon the impact of marketing on society.