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Englisch/FSZ: Englisch B1. Kommunikation im akademischen und beruflichen Kontext. Professional Skills (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Paul Lauer

wöchentlich | Freitag | 08:15 - 11:45 | 18.10.2010 - 04.02.2011 | W 302

Inhalt: We will choose a number of written and oral communicative skills to work on during the semester. These could include socializing, telephoning, delivering presentations, taking part in meetings, negotiating, writing email/letters or short reports.

Englisch/FSZ: Englisch B1. Kommunikation im akademischen und beruflichen Kontext. Professional Skills (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Paul Lauer

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 08:15 - 11:45 | 18.10.2010 - 04.02.2011 | W 302

Inhalt: We will choose a number of written and oral communicative skills to work on during the semester. These could include socializing, telephoning, delivering presentations, taking part in meetings, negotiating, writing email/letters or short reports.

Englisch/FSZ: Englisch B2. Kommunikation im akademischen und beruflichen Kontext. Competencies for Communicating in a Global Context (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Maryann Henck

wöchentlich | Freitag | 10:15 - 13:45 | 18.10.2010 - 04.02.2011 | C 12.006 Seminarraum

Inhalt: This seminar will focus on using English as a global language in professional and international contexts. Participants will have the opportunity to examine the following topics in detail: intercultural communication, marketing and advertising, gender and language use in the media as well as negotiation, motivation and problem-solving strategies. In addition, participants will gain practice in perfecting spoken and written forms of communication (presentations, e-mail, essays). Particular emphasis will be placed on topics such as communication styles, appropriate register as well as cultural and gender issues.

Englisch/FSZ: Englisch C1. Kommunikation im akademischen und beruflichen Kontext. Ethics in Fact and Fiction (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Maria Moss

Inhalt: The primary objective of this seminar is to introduce students to various ethical theories which will be applied to both corporate reality as well as cinematic and literary fiction. Students will be asked to analyze the social and moral implications of current issues as well as evaluate potential steps which can be taken to overcome such problems, and analyze the efficiency of those approaches in real and fictional contexts.

Spanisch/FSZ: Niveau ab B1. DELE: Preparación a las Pruebas de los Certificados (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Maria del Carmen Sunen-Bernal

Inhalt: En tres encuentros de 4 horas de clase se prepara a los candidatos a las pruebas de los DELE, certificados oficiales de español como lengua extranjera: Mi, 03.11.2010, 16:15 bis Mi, 03.11.2010, 19:45 | C 7.13 Mi, 10.11.2010, 16:15 bis Mi, 10.11.2010, 19:45 | C 7.13 Mi, 17.11.2010, 16:15 bis Mi, 17.11.2010, 19:45 | C 7.13 Estos certificados se ofrecen desde el nivel B1 y apoyan la presencia del conocimiento de español en el currículo.

Spanisch/FSZ: Spanisch B2/C1. Interkulturalität und Sprachvertiefung. Taller de reflexión intercultural (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Ñurka Casanova

wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 16:15 - 19:30 | 27.10.2010 - 02.02.2011 | C 5.124 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Definición de "Cultura". La percepción e identificación de los estereotipos y prejuicios a partir de la reflexión del "yo" y el "otro". Desarrollo de competencias interculturales. Reflexión sobre los procesos de comunicación y las dimensiones culturales por medio de ejercicios prácticos en grupo, así como análisis de casos. En este contexto se hace una reflexión especial sobre el papel de la lengua, de las expresiones y léxico que apoyan a comprender situaciones interculturales, a detectar malentendidos y conflictos, asimismo sobre el uso correcto de la lengua para favorecer una óptima comunicación intercultural.